I read all of the posts previous to mine. I believe religion- of any kind has no place in the public school system. Making children pledge allegiance is already a travesty; a society that claims to be the most democratic and free to have ever existed on the face of the earth forcing young impressionable minds to recite a pledge to political and religious ideas reinforces a nazi like mentality, not freedom. The only 2 societies I can think of (at least in the western world) which forced young children to swear oaths of allegience was Nazi Germany and The Soviet Union (as well as some of it's sattelite states). What this teacher is doing is no more than brainwashing children that aren't his, to believe in his religious propaganda. Sure, if the topic is Easter, he could explain the historical significance of how easter evolved, however even here he would be flawed; I'm sure he is not aware of the pagan origins of Easter, christmas and the other so called "christian" holidays, which as a Wiccan, I'm sure you're aware of. Easter was originally "Ostara" in northern europe, celebrating the spring equinox, and this is where bunnies and eggs became associated with this holiday. Likewise christmas is actually the winter solstice, or yuletide , as well as all the christmas symbols: I mean come on, pine trees in the ancient middle east? The reason the early christian church incorporated so many pagan ideas, essentially recycled all the pagan holidays, is to gain mass conversions, when they noticed that they were still in no position to do brutally forced conversions, which would'nt work on a mass scale in a short time. (of course once they brainwashed all the European peoples, and centuries later when the European exploration of the world began, they could employ brutal conversion tactics against the poor native peoples of whatever parts of the world they came in contact with, using European armies)
Most of the people who posted i would agree with, you could take legal action if this thing escalated, and the school system doesn't budge, however all the religious fascists come out of the wood work too, noticing from the previous posts. Like so many "good christians" I met before, they're up in arms about you and you and your beliefs, and in a typical fashion they're all resorting to spiritual threats about you and your son going to hell, even though they cannot have any idea of what the afterlife is like, the Bible is not a very good source of accurate history, and no, contrary to all the fairytales, it is not divinely inspired. As long as this sort of mentality prevades in this country, we won't have real freedom, and we will have to put up with such people in the public shool system, and if this continues to escalate, fairly soon the US will not be the futuristic, progressive, free, and tolerant utopia that so many genius writers and progressive visionaries imagined in the past, but a medieval fiefdom ruled by right wing conservative fanatics, complete with inquisitions and even witch burnings; sadly were headed in this latter direction more and more everyday than the former direction.