What are your thoughts about the choice for the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are your thoughts about the choice for the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos?
398 answers:
2017-01-23 01:25:10 UTC
Absolutely horrible. People aren't looking into her background or her Amway connections.

Amway, number one, is an unequivocal scam. It has international status. When so many people in China were getting ripped off by Amway and copycat MLM scams, there were riots and it was rendered illegal. But Amway bribed their way back into China.

Amway and DeVos are from some oddball Fundamentalist Christian groups who believe Evolution is a scam, the Earth is 6000 years old, and that Bibles should replace science books. I attended Amway conferences and heard some of their stars, Paul Miller for instance, state this. The audience cheered.

Never mind the DeVos connections to Blackwater/Academi- her brother Erik Prince, the mercenary founder of this organization, which commits murders in the name of the USA. (I think he should have drinks with William Calley, brother-in-arms).,

What's worse is that while trying to hand out Bibles to public schoolchildren, she'll be selling Nutrilite Vitamins and Xs Energy drinks to them. Seriously! That's how Amway works, by pushing this on every single person they know or even encounter.

DeVos is absolutely clueless. She and her cronies make Christians look like absolute fools.

DeVos may be the worst choice imaginable for Secretary of Education.

Forget the arguments about guns, and all the political trash. The ONE concern about public education is this: What kind of graduates are they producing?

DeVos is a disaster. Her wealth is based on a scam, and her beliefs concerning education are positively ignorant - and weird.

PS: I circulated among the "big wigs" of Amway and I've known many victims of the scam. Anyone remotely associated with Amway, especially Betsy DeVos, should be avoided like the plague. These are unconscionable con artists. A Scientologist would have been a better choice.

Note: Some passive-aggressive who disliked this question moved it to Mental Health, so I moved it to Education where it belongs.
michael p
2017-01-20 01:17:42 UTC
I don''t believe she knows enough about education and its history to serve in a qualified capacity.
2017-01-20 11:48:53 UTC
She is not qualified as evidenced by the hearing performance. Strategically positioning African-American children behind her does nothing to indicate her commitment to public education. She is in this to fund charter schools . Her family has given substantial amounts to the Republican Party so perhaps she has "earned" the position. Sad.
2017-01-20 01:53:46 UTC
i agree she is trying to privatize public education when she does not know nothing about it. how can you work on a project you know nothing about. she either needs to get out of her position or she needs to take the time to learn about public education and how it benefits lots of families that can't afford private school. I dare her to spend one day in a public classroom and see how it is run, she how overloaded the classrooms are and how stressed the teachers are. instead of privatizing education she needs to be more aware of how little teachers really make and work on increasing there pay. teachers need more pay, less classroom sizes more then we need to privatize public education. so to heck with her if she wants to come blindly and do her job that is fine but when she screws up and makes teachers quit there job then she has no one to cry to but herself
2017-01-20 21:11:34 UTC
As long as she maintains her feelings about the public school system, she is the wrong choice. Her monetary worth doesn't bother me at all. She needs to do her homework when comparing public and private schools.
2017-01-20 13:30:31 UTC
Figurehead only. Won't do anything for public education. Just another billionaire looking to compete for Billionaire resume recognition. Like Carnegie Vanderbilt etc.
2017-01-19 20:34:36 UTC
Trump's cabinet is essentially the embodiment of him. Don't know nothing, yet claim to know everything. And America thinks that's the best qualities to have! Man, imagine me putting that on a job application. I wouldn't have a job.
2017-01-28 00:29:24 UTC
Definitely unqualified. I am for school choice. However, this position is about much more than school choice and vouchers. I'm a retired private and public school teacher and taught from grades 5 to 12. Betsy DeVos couldn't answer questions about the nature of "Common Core State Standard", has never attended public school, has never taught school, and her children have never attended public school. Lets be honest for our children's sake. She is a Trump crony, lots of $$ contributions, better off as the Ambassador to Mexico.
Amy S
2017-01-25 21:08:34 UTC
She's under-qualified for the position for which she was chosen and has too many conflicts of interest.
2017-01-22 13:28:38 UTC
Doing the same thing over and expecting a diff......

Judging by the grammar here? The success so far is scary. Maybe something different would be good.

But really I don't expect to hear that her policies are successful. Those entrenched in the system will not execute her plans or will execute them so poorly that she will be blamed for every existing and new perceived flaw.

By what standard do you pick to reform the mafia or a gang? Only a member of the gang?
2017-01-22 04:44:36 UTC
As Betsy DeVos is married to Dick DeVos, she is the daughter-in-law of billionaire Richard DeVos, the cofounder of Amway. Apart from being rich and famous, I think Donald Trump made a good choice in picking her for the Department of Education. You can read online all what she believes in education, which I think is awesome! Donald Trump woudn't have chosen Betsy DeVos if he felt like she wasn't the right choice for the Department of Education.
2017-01-20 21:21:39 UTC
I think Betsy DeVos is a good choice for education pick. I don't think she is great, but she is what we need right now.

Living in Detroit, I have had nothing but great experiences with the charter school system that DeVos created. If you really think that it was acceptable to trap Detroit students in the public schools, you should go on YouTube and look for videos of the horrible conditions public school students have to face. When DeVos was designing the Detroit charter school system, our state simply did not have the money available to throw at the failing public system. The FBI has indicted principals and officials in Detroit Public Schools who have stolen and laundered millions of Detroit taxpayer dollars. Unions have protected these criminals for years. The charter schools in Detroit aren't perfect but they are a huge improvement from the criminal and literally collapsing public schools, which are also getting better. I think the competition between charter and public was the agent for change in the public system.

I think that DeVos' position is only there to lead in order to accomplish a specific set of goals. She will also be an agent for change. There are many teachers and employees of the Dept. of Education who probably have great ideas that the established leadership isn't considering. Trump promised to decentralize control of schools and curriculums and so DeVos' ideology is exactly what he campaigned on.

As for guns in schools, I agree with DeVos' view that it is inappropriate to have a national ban. I live in Detroit now but grew up in rural areas where you wouldn't even walk a small dog without a gun, because hungry animals will eat it. Our playground had a fence with barbed-wire on the top. It looked like a prison but the purpose of the fence was not to keep students in .I know it sounds comical, but there are animals in the woods, this shouldn't be a surprise. The nearest police station was over a 2 hour drive away from my elementary school and that doesn't mean that they will arrive in 2 hours. Would police officers have been able to protect students, or just clean up the crime scene afterwards? I am positive that at least 1 employee at my school was armed. There's nothing wrong with saying that each state should decide their own laws based on unique circumstances.

I'm not going to pretend she isn't funding the campaigns for Republican Senators and has conflicts of interests, but on the other hand I'm going to acknowledge that teachers unions who are against DeVos have given millions of dollars to Democrat Senators. Unions have not donated to GOP senators. These unions only care about employees and not the students. These Democrats mainly care about their donors, just like Republicans. Whether or not you agree with her ideology, there was no one in that room during the Senate hearing who was more passionate about students than DeVos. I think it's terrible on both sides. Students should be the #1 priority, but on both sides they are not.

All in all I don't think DeVos will be a bad choice but she certainly isn't the best, however to be fair she is exactly what Trump campaigned on.
2017-01-26 00:25:22 UTC
I think it's great. She supports School Choice, this is so important.
Michael Weil
2017-02-22 20:16:34 UTC
A typically brainless contard who will try her worst to make America's students as wilfully ignorant as herself.
Bobby Jim
2017-02-20 13:57:50 UTC
DeVos should do well, and bring a fresh perspective to our Dept. of Education. The liberals of Academia have had their way for far too long, teaching even history with a revisionist viewpoint. Students now have a skewed view of history and sociology studies because of curriculum(s) that are inaccurate. Math is a mess under Common Core, and reading/comprehension skills are down across the country. Students no longer think for themselves, and just go to the Internet to learn answers. Knowing HOW to get the answers is far short of HAVING the answers at the forefront of one's mind. As part of Trump's "outsider" Administration, she will fit right in and begin to revamp the US Educational System.
Leonard M
2017-02-13 03:48:48 UTC
2017-02-12 15:28:27 UTC
Money Money Money. Hey - Goodbye. Is what I think. I like that she supports school choice but i don't think she should have been the pick.
2017-02-09 16:34:54 UTC
Mere hours after her confirmation, Republicans filed a bill, HR 899, that had only one sentence:

To terminate the Department of Education.

How serious do you think she is now? Republicans have been playing this game of incrementalism for many years. Slowly de-fund public schools and then sit back while parents complain about public schools so that one day (today?) they can ride in on white horses to save the day with privatized schools. This is a blatant attempt to christianize Americans and keep us too stupid to exercise our rights.
2017-02-08 23:06:07 UTC
I dont get political with appointees, since they are chosen by the main leader to basically assist them. But Betsy DeVos is totally unqualified to be Secretary of Education. It looks to me like the Trump administration basically is just trying to choose random people to do jobs even if they do not have preparation, or actually hate it. He s chosen people that literally want to dismantle their own departments, like Rick Perry or the EPA nominee. And it also looks like most republicans don t have the balls to not give consent. Don t get me wrong, there are some nominees that can do the job they have been chosen for. But some, like Tillerson, Perry, oh and yea Carson, are not fit for the offices they have been chosen to lead.
Olive Sorceress
2017-02-08 01:47:21 UTC
2017-02-07 15:39:36 UTC
Will she do things differently? We have been going in the wrong direction for a long time. How does that phrase go about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Maybe the adults need to realize this is about the kids and what
2017-02-05 21:35:17 UTC
Her name should be withdrawn, and the entire Department eliminated

Public education should be administered by State and local governments
Popeye & Olive Oyl
2017-02-05 07:36:52 UTC
wrong. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She has had a very sheltered and spoiled upbringing. She has had little to do with public education.
2017-01-31 03:18:09 UTC
An absolutely horrendous choice!
2017-01-30 14:33:31 UTC
She is a terrible choice - as a teacher for 35 years it's obvious to me that she knows little to nothing about education. Her answers in the hearing were ridiculous and uninformed and she doesn't support public education - her emphasis is on charter schools. Just because the DeVos family gave Trump 200 million dollars, that does not make an unqualified person a good choice to lead the Department of Education!
Warren T
2017-01-28 21:04:39 UTC
2017-01-25 21:53:47 UTC
If you like federal funding for charter schools and vouchers, you'd like her.
Linda R
2017-01-25 19:54:33 UTC
GREAT CHOICE! She grew up, going to private schools, which have the BEST teachers ever who know how to keep kids interested and involved - NONE of today's teachers know how to do this.....this MUST be changed!
2017-01-25 09:57:52 UTC
apple i guess
2017-01-25 08:01:49 UTC
Good Lord, protect our children! This clueless, incompetent, inept, unqualified woman is yet another bungling "Cathie" Black (appointed NYC Education Chancellor by then NYC Mayor [Rep] Michael Bloomturd) who caused such a stinking mess that she quit 95 days into her tenure.

Wow, the plump chump Donald duck-lips tRUMP calls himself a "smart guy" but he is certainly making some really dumb and very stupid appointments! Typical GOPer; trying to sabotage our children's education at any cost.
2017-01-25 01:21:36 UTC
It's literally a joke that has been taken way too far.
2017-02-20 00:55:08 UTC
I don't know much about her, except she apparently favors charter schools.

If she gives parents the choice whether to send their kids to public school or to charter school via government grants, then I am fine with that. If some people want their kids in public school, while others want them in charter, that's no skin off my back.

However, there must be certain standards. This relies on:

1) public schools continuing to get adequate funding and sufficient grants being given to poorer families who choose to go to charter schools.

2) Basic standards should be universal across schools. Evolution, climate change, etc are fact, and intelligent design is not. All students should necessarily learn the first two, and only students who go to a Christianity oriented school should learn the later.
2017-02-18 21:47:26 UTC
I think Betsy is a lying ***** *** who has nothing better to do than swing her cheap weave around and only cares about her stupid, pink, little chihuahua.
2017-02-18 07:30:00 UTC
Welcome to squid ward's Tiki Land
2017-02-18 01:15:53 UTC
Since "education" is never mentioned in the Constitution of the United States as an area in which the federal government may interfere, the only "good choice" that could possibly be made regarding any nominee for the Secretary job is "no one". The department needs to be shutdown and parents states need to take control of their own education programs.
2017-02-17 03:24:03 UTC
I guess she was the highest bidder.
2017-02-16 23:31:14 UTC
I think she really cares about the children. You don't have to be an automotive engineer to drive a car so maybe you don't need a teaching degree to run a department
2017-02-15 07:10:04 UTC
I've read all the above entries. Holy freaking crap! I think she'll do just fine, thank you; charter schools seem like a good idea.
2017-02-15 06:14:06 UTC
She bribed her way into the cabinet. Enough said
Best Answer
2017-02-12 23:03:37 UTC
I just hope that more is done to identify what learning strategy works for each student. Teachers should also have a constant rotation of grades that they teach. That way they can be reminded why certain topics are important and the job is less redundant. For instance, One year they teach 12th grade, then 11th, then 10th, then 9th, and back to 12th.
2017-02-10 20:11:56 UTC
I think they need to do away with the department of education.
2017-02-10 20:10:09 UTC
She blows!
2017-02-09 15:16:39 UTC
Excellent choice. School choice is necessary, particularly for inner city kids. Those public schools are just churning out morons.. Some of them couldn't spell C A T if you gave them the C and the T..
2017-02-08 10:18:24 UTC
The powers that be want the same old same old in Washington.

They have failed on every level and change scares them.

The only innovation the Federal government came up with in the last eight years is mandatory Transgender bathrooms in every school.

Change is hated by the left as much as it is hated by the right.
darrin b
2017-02-07 17:19:00 UTC
She's not qualified for that position.

Furthermore, a good education should be for every child in America-not just a chosen few.

What she wants to do is take money from the already scrapped public schools and put it in the hands of a few.

And that's wrong on so many levels.

She should not get that position simply because her rich father (who is the founder of Amway), and her rich brother (who is the founder of Blackwater Security, Dick Cheney's baby), and her rich husband as well as herself, have contributed over $200 million to the Republican Party through the years.

And the mere fact that for the first time ever a Vice President must break a tie to confirm a cabinet member should be a red flag for the entire nation.

Wake up, America.

Until we stop all this bickering among ourselves, Congress will NEVER work for the American people. Not for the Democrats and not for the Republicans.
2017-02-07 00:40:24 UTC
She is unqualified and is also a religious nut that would be dangerous to normal people.
2017-02-01 13:21:57 UTC
Great choice! She believes parents should be the ultimate authority as to who chooses their children's educational opportunities.
2017-01-29 04:26:14 UTC
First and foremost Trump has no experience in politics so why the heck is he president? I do not know much about Betsy so won't comment however I can't expect much from Trump. It's like having a plumber do surgery
Dr. D
2017-01-27 18:13:27 UTC
Look at our failing education in the USA and tell me that we need more politics as usual. No way!

The Education Department does need someone to shake things up. I don't know how well a job Betsy DeVos will do but I will give her a chance. I certainly do not want someone who is beholding to the old education system.
2017-01-26 00:35:17 UTC
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2017-01-22 01:36:14 UTC
She's a steaming, reeking, fly-covered heap of dog ****.
The First Dragon
2017-02-26 05:28:02 UTC
Maybe a great idea.

At least she helps students escape the government system.

How do you suppose it is that our level of education is decreasing the last few decades? High school graduates barely literate. The government doesn't want us too smart; we might take our civic rights and duties seriously. Students kept dumb so they can support the establishment when they grow up.

If parents get more input into the school system, if there are more options for students of different talents and interests, it will be a good thing.
Al Capone
2017-02-25 03:51:53 UTC
She sucks
2017-02-24 13:27:35 UTC
The current education system is in total disarray. The education system in the United States need a complete make over.

Those that want the system to remain as it is do not have the children educational opportunities in mind. They want to keep the unions in control and the government as the monopoly in the education field. The federal government should get out education. Education should be administrated by the state, not the federal government.

The federal government black mail the state education, by withholding funds if the state do not comply with the federal government programs are not implemented.

We need fresh ideas in the educational field that have the education of the children in mind.

I am in favor of the current Secretary of Education. She will bring fresh ideas to this department. she have no ax to grind with anyone.

If the current school system is broke and cannot be repaired, parents and school children must have an alternative.

The current Secretary of Education has fresh ideas and would be in favor of alternative means of educating the children of the United States.

She is also an independent thinker.

Her track record and resume speak very favorable for her.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2017-02-23 03:22:49 UTC
I'm very happy that Mrs. DeVos was President Trump's pick to head the Department of Education. Her stand in favor of tax credits and/or vouchers for Schools of Choice is great and will give parents control over the best education available for their children.
2017-02-21 14:51:44 UTC
President Reagan wanted to eliminate the Dept. of Education for good reason, This Common Core initiative will destroy our youths ability to use their intuition skills, I work in Manufacturing, and kids today a being groomed for a planned economy, but the problem is.....what if the planned economy doesn't go as planned? Then Common Core would have done a huge damage at your child's ability to develop personalized skills that might take them beyond their dreams, If DeVos can end Common Core as a federal mandate, she will have been successful in my eyes.
2017-02-21 12:09:59 UTC
the worst cabinet appt. i've ever seen
The Fugitive Guy
2017-02-20 17:34:55 UTC
Donald Trump won the election, it's not up to the Senate to say who his advisors are going to be. They are advisors, if he doesn't like what they do he can remove them, if the American people don't like what they do, they can remove Trump in 4 year. It shouldn't be up to the opposition party to decide who your cabinet is. It hasn't ever happened to anyone else except once. We're not talking about a Constitutional Amendment here, we're talking about a President's team.
2017-02-17 09:19:22 UTC
2017-02-17 07:56:37 UTC
My thoughts are that Mrs DeVos seems to be more concerned with the profit-making functions of education. She doesn't see education as part of the liberal democratic ideal- to encourage informed responsible capable citizens. She wants to use schools as a way to make money for herself, her friends and other businesses. And to say that this is a "Christian country," and then try to reduce all our civic values and institutions to the cheap pursuit of money, is not only irresponsible, it is selfish, shallow and gross. Btw, why does Yahoo allow Level 7 mean people to move questions to other categories, even when those questions are posed by the Yahoo Answers Team...this question right now is in the Mental Health category. Bye.
2017-02-16 20:26:31 UTC
The USA used to lead the world in education.

With the liberal dems in charge for the last 49 years, we are number 28.

That is not progress.

That is failure

If the left liberal dems don't like her, SHE IS THE PERFECT CHOICE..

Go Betsy, Go.
2017-02-13 15:33:48 UTC
I don''t believe she knows enough about education and its history to serve in a qualified capacity

Check out for New Stuff
2017-02-08 21:34:39 UTC
As with most of Trump's appointees, DeVos has been a long-time opponent of the agency she will be heading. Expect the worst and you won't be wrong.
2017-02-08 17:57:48 UTC
Just what we need, a person who thinks this country was founded on *her* religion and book(it's not), and thinks the earth is 6,000 years old. (it's not)
2017-02-04 06:09:35 UTC
if she is a lesbian and will have sex with me I'M FOR HER GOD DAM IT!!!
2017-01-30 19:22:27 UTC
Anything is better then the failed policies of the last 8 years.

Education in the US is terrible.

Most people support President Trump 100 percent.

Only the uneducated still think Hilliary has a chance.

that proves my point.
2017-01-27 04:18:16 UTC
She will be fantastic. Obama likes her too.
2017-01-26 19:45:20 UTC
i dont think it matters because Trump's calling the shots anyway
2017-01-25 09:16:50 UTC
I am upset. I was hoping a black trans-gender would get that job
ron h
2017-01-25 01:01:03 UTC
I call her Bertsy Madoff because the money she inherited came from a huge ponzi scheme. Betsy Madoff hates public schools because there's no money to be made in them. In public schools, money goes to teachers and )too much) goes to administrators. Besty wants paychecks that now go to front-line teachers to go as profits to her stock holding buddies.
VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps!
2017-01-25 00:48:39 UTC
You mean someone with zero experience in public education who wants to destroy public schools? Of course she shouldn't be confirmed.
2017-02-24 21:35:58 UTC
She is female and most likely neutral when it comes to pornography and woman's sexual rights over anything else including health because the job pays real money -and lots of it .
2017-02-23 21:44:12 UTC
good choice
2017-02-22 04:15:50 UTC
I really like her as a choice. The main goal for this administration. Is to end the monopoly bankers have over peoples lives. By ending the debt of education that can't be wiped away.

The education departments loans are one the main reasons America is one of the worst functioning countries on earth. I am looking forward to all her decisions because they will be financially crippling to all the leaches that mooched off the system. The crescendo will happen when lame ace harvard loses their unjustified 35 billion dollar lib-obamendowment. This will finally end their ability to brain wash people through placing terrible actors representing toxic stuff like marxist-feminism/3rd wave feminism in movies.
2017-02-20 13:05:38 UTC
This appointment has everyone in public ed. worried, teachers are quitting, and education students are rethinking their career paths because of her appointment. That may or may not be jumping the gun but if you put someone in charge of something they know nothing about and do not support, that's always dangerous.
2017-02-19 06:13:16 UTC
DeVos is a terrible mistake, just like the rest of the tRump cabinet. These secretaries are either gross unqualified, like DeVos, or else they are cynical and vicious pillagers meant to destroy their departments and the laws and policies associated with that department. All of this is supposed to benefit the business world, but it is a catastrophe for the people, for children, for the environment, for foreign relations, and on and on.
2017-02-15 00:46:03 UTC
Betsy DeVos was born rich, married rich, and lived rich. She only supports private and "better schools" not much for the public ones. She doesn't understand or done anything towards education. Her background just doesn't fit for each and every one of us. We're all in different level and Betsy is only going to support for what she belives and the status she's in.
2017-02-13 22:47:43 UTC
Give her a chance, it is not good to judge before. I think there is one key thing she has to do:

(Note: Read the whole thing please)

Remove the common core: The common core, really, is not helping any schools. They set standards that are required for kids to learn, this can either be too difficult for some schools or too easy for others. A top performing school should teach students in the best way possible, and a lower performing school should focus their attention on what they need to work on to become better. Also, it requires teachers to teach certain things, and multiple ways on how to do them. I'll use math as an example. In math, as you all know, there are multiple ways to solve the same problem. The common core requires you to learn all of them, because if the Parcc tells you to solve the problem in a certain way and show your work, that is the way you have to solve it. But, in life, if a student ever has a job where they would have to solve a certain problem, and there are multiple ways of doing it, they should pick the way that is best for them. But common core requires all of them to be learned, even if there is one way that is know to be much easier. In life, there isn't going to be a required way for something to be done. And if there is a problem you have to solve in a certain way, there should at least be good reasoning on why it should be solved that way instead of "Well, that's what the direction say." When it comes to the Parcc, I feel it is a complete waste of time. Teachers are being required to teach what the federal government requires them to, all for a test that, at least in my school district, doesn't even count for anything. Instead teachers should teach what students need to know in life, instead of what's going to be on a test. Because I know for a fact that some teachers are being limited, they can't teach what is useful, they teach what is required by the government. If education is held at a more local level, it can be much more specialized for each school district and what they personally need to work on.

For Betsy DeVos, she needs to be given a chance. Just let her give it a try. If she does a bad job, then oh well, you were right. But if she does great, then you're going to feel bad that you misjudged her.

Those are just my thoughts.
level-headed professor
2017-02-13 15:30:57 UTC
She is a GREAT choice. It is amazing how the liberals/ Democrats are not willing to give all parents the choice of schools for their children. Democrats pretend they are for education and then they refuse to support parents, Democrats will not allow ALL children regardless of economic level, race, gender, etc to have access to the school which is best for that child.

Democrats support keeping poor children from excelling in education. Glad to know DeVos supports school choice.
2017-02-11 06:29:39 UTC
Anyone who will rid the tenure system in public schools is alright by me.

My son was reading at the fourth grade level when entering the third grade in Carl B Munk a public school in Oakland. When he left third grade he was tested at the second grade in reading.

My son went to private school thereafter. He graduated Magnum *** Laude and Phi Beta Kappa from the U. of Pennsylvania.
2017-02-09 15:22:27 UTC
it is great
2017-02-09 05:05:31 UTC
Why the heck didn't he just assign her as ambassador to a country of her choice. She is unqualified. I have been involved in Education and Training as a military officer (24 years), and then as a private and public school teacher (20 years). I speak from experience. She said "but I mentored" a student who attended public school as if that was qualification enough. Many of you think her charter schools and vouchers are a good idea. What do you think is going happen when public schools cut bands, sports, technology, the Arts because funds went along with students who leave public schools. I'm hopeful she screws up so bad she'll quit in two years.
William James
2017-02-07 08:22:44 UTC
I know nothing about her. But I know she hates the public school system.

Probably because of liberal teachers. I'm afraid that white nationalist indoctrination will begin in public schools. When our schoolchildren reach voting age, that would be disastrous.
2017-02-03 03:28:30 UTC
It is like hiring James Earl Ray for president of the NAACP or Richard Dawkins as Pope.
2017-02-02 21:52:11 UTC
2017-02-02 00:08:22 UTC
Doesn't matter. Push forward with school choice and breaking up the federal bureaucracy
2017-01-31 03:57:56 UTC
As long as she's against Common Core, she's a good pick.
2017-01-28 22:50:24 UTC
2017-01-27 21:15:43 UTC
Completely unqualified and incapable of being the manager for the nations education system.
Tad Dubious
2017-01-26 13:16:51 UTC
I know several teachers. They don't like her.
2017-01-25 01:03:51 UTC
2017-02-26 18:50:46 UTC
As Betsy DeVos is married to Dick DeVos, she is the daughter-in-law of billionaire Richard DeVos, the cofounder of Amway. Apart from being rich and famous, I think Donald Trump made a good choice in picking her for the Department of Education. You can read online all what she believes in education, which I think is awesome! Donald Trump woudn't have chosen Betsy DeVos if he felt like she wasn't the right choice for the Department of Education.
2017-02-24 17:35:07 UTC
She's the worst. She supports the voucher system in spite of the data showing their utter failure to educate even at the level despised in the public school system. She is all about lining her own pockets.
2017-02-22 21:41:40 UTC
Doesn't much matter what Anyone thinks. The Libs are So against her, that they will block Any good she tries to do. So her tenure is already in jeopardy.
2017-02-20 13:53:40 UTC
Apply to the schools you choose

Once you select the school(s) that you think will be best for your child, you will go through a process of applying to a school (or schools) of your choice and enrolling your child. Consider applying to more than one school, in case your child is not admitted to their first choice.

You will want to begin this process as early as possible in order to ensure you meet all the deadlines.

Admissions processes can vary. Your child may need to be tested or interviewed, and you may need to provide a school transcript, recommendations, or other information. It would be helpful to learn about admissions criteria for the schools. You will want to double check to be sure you have accurate information on when and how to apply.
2017-02-18 20:42:03 UTC
Its a good plan by the Republicans to ensure their longevity. Keeping the people uneducated, keeps Republicans in office. They don't want the general population learning economics and history.
2017-02-18 19:36:43 UTC
She is ill-suited to the job. The greatest reason she seems ill-suited is that she seems to be incapable of properly assessing data. Despite investing significant sums in her ideas, they don't yield positive benefits. If you continue the same behavior, despite data, then you are not learning. She wants to build the kingdom of Heaven on Earth, but even if her beliefs are right, and even if those beliefs are acceptable in a secular democracy, then she is doing so in an ineffective manner.

The one trait you want in a member of cabinet is the ability to learn from their mistakes. I believe her wealth has shielded her from reality. Had a poor person failed repeatedly they would be working at McDonalds or Target as a front line worker. It is made worse by the fact that she is trying to implement things in a field she has no direct experience of.

Laudably, she seems to want to give everyone her own personal experience, which was purchased for her at a very high cost. Sadly, she doesn't seem to understand the financial consequences of building the American system up to that point. Sadly, she is a person who seems to have a clear vision of what she wants, but won't learn from the experience of others.

If intelligence is learning from your mistakes and wisdom is learning from the mistakes of others, then she seems to be neither intelligent nor wise. I am hoping I am wrong, but there is little evidence that I am.
2017-02-18 01:44:39 UTC
give me a job pay me well an I'll say anything for you
2017-02-15 17:07:28 UTC
Mr. Knowledgeable VI
2017-02-12 04:02:45 UTC
I believe the United States should abolish the Department of Education and let the state and local levels of education decide what is best for students. After all, what works educationally in New York City is not going to work in rural Nebraska. What works in a wealthy state like Massachusetts does not work in a poor but generous state like Mississippi.

I cannot give an opinion on if Betsy DeVos is the right candidate for Secretary of Education; however, I do believe that it's parents responsibility to make sure that their children are getting a proper education and parents need to hold teachers and the local board of education responsible for their children's education because it's a parent's responsibility to raise their children and not society's responsibility to raise their children.
2017-02-12 01:39:48 UTC
The president is responsible for policy, and as such he should get those individuals he wants to implement policy. Personally I would like the department of education to be reduced to running experiments and providing common tools to everyone. An online high school for everyone would be nice as well. Education is for states and locals, not the feds.
Ursus Particularies
2017-02-11 02:20:45 UTC
A Particularist would be a far better nominee for this post. That means someone who is NOT a member of a Special Interest group. Not an Ultramontane nor a Universalist, nor a One Worlder as to governance.

But on the plus side, she evens out the sex distribution a trifle.

On the negative side she does NOT represent Maximum Awareness.
2017-02-07 21:39:39 UTC
Along with the other Trump appointees she will Enable countries like China, Russia and the European to surpass the United States as world powers. Education is vital to the future of any country. Privatization of education will result in people believing in Creation Science, not understanding the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming, and leaving us behind the rest of the world in many fields.
call me Al
2017-02-07 17:59:10 UTC
There's an axiom that if you only have a hammer in your toolbox, everything looks like a nail. DeVos believes charter schools and privatization are the answers to every K-12 problem.

If DeVos' lack of teaching and educational administration alone don't disqualify her, her lack of breadth in education must.

Her unquestioned devotion to private charter schools dovetails neatly into the GOP's open hostility to unions in general and teacher unions in particular. While there are a few teachers and union reps who should be dismissed, the vast majority are dedicated to educating children. But DeVos is eager to do away with all. She has no qualms throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
2017-02-06 01:02:10 UTC
I don't much care either way. the Dept of Education is a stupid useless federal agency that shouldn't exist.
2017-02-05 21:30:20 UTC
The yahoo answers team should be able to figure this out for themselves and not need the help from Yahoos.
2017-02-04 16:58:51 UTC
She is merely another of the Infant-In-Chief's swipe at the left.

"Thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
raymond m
2017-02-04 06:10:24 UTC
I do not think she is qualified. She has no degree in education, no views on higher education and no public education experience. Her nomination is pay back for hundreds of millions of dollars she and her families' have given to Republican political candidates an committees.
2017-02-03 20:02:28 UTC
2017-02-02 17:39:13 UTC
Her ideas as a retired teacher scare me. She wants to get rid of unions and even public schools. Many people cannot afford to pay for their children's education.

This voucher system means parents will pay for their children to go to a paid school.

They already have Christian schools where parents can send their children if that is what they want and can afford. But for those who can not afford it the child will not get and education.
2017-01-28 12:23:05 UTC
Out of all of the choices Trump has made. This person does not even

need to be a candidate. And there is probably no stronger conservative

on this board then myself.
2017-03-01 15:03:48 UTC
I dunno. What do YOU think?
Art Bacon
2017-02-28 19:01:19 UTC
She's the best education secretary that HER money could buy. Other than that, she's a totoally unqualified bimbo,
2017-02-24 05:13:22 UTC
Sure, our current schooling system is crap, someone with a private school mindset is going to increase schooling budgets and such, were going to get better schooling
2017-02-21 19:46:35 UTC
It proves that anyone can buy their way into the White House if they contribute enough cash to the right people.
2017-02-21 02:11:34 UTC
At this point, I think the right decision is to make the head of this particular department should place in the hands of multiple people, not just one person. Sure she may be hideously under qualified for this position, but our educational system is in shambles due to the inconsistencies nationwide to which our educational system has been not only implemented but practiced as well. There are far too many layers in our educational system to which one person can adequately handle on their own.
2017-02-20 21:15:00 UTC
I have no opinion in this manner. Just trying to get more points so I can ask a question. :D
2017-02-19 10:47:34 UTC
Bad choice. Michigan schools are a nightmare because of her. Very poor track record.
2017-02-16 05:51:48 UTC
1st schools should compete. Educators shouldn't get tenure any more than the private sector. After 3rd grade the teacher should be mainly the inspiring guide facilitating the children to educate themselves.
Roger K
2017-02-13 21:29:17 UTC
Totally unqualified.
2017-02-13 15:43:36 UTC
Um, she's a moron!
2017-02-10 23:25:57 UTC
Worst choice ever.
2017-02-08 14:53:10 UTC
My objection to charter schools is that too many kids will be left behind in the bad schools, which will get worse. What are the qualifications for a charter school? Does the kid have to come from an upper middle class right wing fundamentalist Christian family? Or if all the kids qualify for charter schools, what's going to keep them from all going there? Will the original public schools then be totally abandoned? And that will somehow change things? A new building makes a new student?
Charles Veidt
2017-02-08 14:39:21 UTC
I strongly oppose the choice of the highly unqualified DeVos for Secretary of Education. I advised my state's senators, but unfortunately both of them voted in favor of her.

I have since contacted both Senator Corker and Senator Alexander of Tennessee to inform them in no uncertain terms that I will actively oppose them in 2018 and 2020 when they come up for reelection, respectively.
2017-02-08 12:36:52 UTC
What's important is that the demorats got their asses handed to them AGAIN!! Muah-ha-HA!!!
2017-02-07 19:36:01 UTC
Jack E
2017-02-07 09:47:52 UTC
We need to kill the Department of Education. It is doing nothing but wasting money.
2017-02-06 20:30:09 UTC
I love Betsy DeVos' agenda to allow low income students access to private schools and a private education. It's wrong for the Liberal Democrats to deny the opportunity for a better education simply because of politics.
2017-02-02 16:14:47 UTC
We will once again face the debacle of Government mandated Charter schools and Vouchers again. Apparently we don't learn from our mistakes.

I really think they need someone else. Is she a Teacher???
2017-01-29 15:45:08 UTC
an absolute nightmare who doesnt know the first thing about the education system.
2017-01-25 07:01:53 UTC
A horrible, unqualified choice. Couldn't answer basic questions to well known issues. Just another in Trump's Plunder Monkey appointee list.
2017-02-21 01:38:19 UTC
Who cares? We have become a third world country educationally and otherwise We let in scum from everywhere and call keeping students from shooting one another in the classroom "education" If Plato were appointed head of department of education, he could not effectuate any positive changes.
2017-02-20 17:20:34 UTC
Empirical evidence kind of gives a picture a school that has given poor results for the most money spent in the nations of the world. Why would anyone not consider another approach. It would give ghetto children a chance to achieve in a safe classroom.
2017-02-13 19:06:30 UTC
i am fearful of what the future holds for our children and their education. we have a completely unqualified individual with multiple conflicts of interest in place. any plans that she has laid out blatantly display a lack of understanding of what would be in the best interest of education.
2017-02-12 18:14:18 UTC
This woman is nothing more than a corporate shill who was put in place to destroy the Public School system and replace it with a for-profit one. And if you think that is a good idea you should listen to the conversation with Bill Gates calling school children "Products" which are ultimately purchased and used by people like him. Do you want your child going to a school owned by someone who thinks your child is property??? Do you want people like this controlling what your kids learn in school???
2017-02-08 22:25:10 UTC
i cant see why being rich will allow her to change the system that we already have.u know teachers teaching children.
Keep It Real
2017-02-07 15:44:30 UTC
I trust our President in making the right decision. Our public schools are failing, hopefully she helps the children.
Doris Linn
2017-02-04 18:37:39 UTC
No opinion! Don't know anything about her.
2017-02-03 04:11:16 UTC
I don't believe she is suited for the job

she has never had to take out a student loan, and she has never had to take out loans for her children. she has always been wealthy and therefore privileged so why should we give a job that a large part of is figuring out how to minimize student loans to someone who has never had to experience them herself?

there are MANY people in the US that have had to take out loans in order to finish their education, so why not give the job to one of them that have actually gone through it instead of one of the privileged few that have not?

and yes there are other things that she will have to deal with being part of the Department of Education, but that is a large thing that they have to deal with.
2017-02-03 01:11:45 UTC
The children will have a bad education because of trump and Instead of obama care it going to turn in trump care.
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2017-02-02 00:37:57 UTC
Those who listen to their passion and follow their hearts are usually very successful in their chosen field. We must give these people a chance to show what they can do. We have nothing to lose. :D
2017-02-01 22:38:59 UTC
School choice has helped children I know. I love teachers but their union keeps them seeing that choice should be with the parents.
2017-01-30 16:23:13 UTC
She has no idea about the nuts and bolts of education. She is only well versed in agenda.She wants to give tax dollars to for profit corporations to educate children....charter "corporate" schools.These schools don't have to take the special needs kids and live under the guise of school choice. Public schools have been part of our country since the beginning...if we allow our public school system to be ripped apart in the name of school choice there is a good chance we will never get it back.
Ari am Rior
2017-01-30 02:28:26 UTC
Worse than many of Trump's choices, and that's saying a bunch!

She has publicly stated that her policy will be to destroy our public eduction system.

And the answers she made to questions posed at her hearing reveal that she is absolutely clueless about the purpose of the Department.
2017-01-29 06:07:13 UTC
The story was written by Yahoo, and it's polling has been completely wrong about Trump. It has conducted a popularity contest to determine who is the right person for the job while reporting with some Left Wing rhetoric and reporting by omission. She wasn t picked from a hat as a donor or surrogate that needed to be paid off. Sentiment and Qualifications are not one in the same especially when sentiment per the Yahoo polls has Dr Ben Carson higher rated for HUD than Mike Pompeo for the CIA or Dr Tom Price for HHS. Your story is a joke and is only intended to indoctrinate and produce the outcome favored by Yahoo. Yahoo cannot be trusted and your writer is completely boring.
2017-01-27 11:10:55 UTC
I think people are blinded by who the hell Obama picked for his educational secretary -- an unqualified socialist who gave us common core
2017-01-26 13:38:37 UTC
I am from Japan, so I know little about her. I will try to learn more, so that I can evaluate her intelligently.
2017-01-26 13:03:38 UTC
Trump seems to be picking the biggest donors instead of the most competent people for his administration. Too bad.
2017-01-25 18:00:06 UTC
School's Out.
2017-01-25 16:06:13 UTC
I believe it was a good choice.
2017-01-25 15:16:32 UTC
She will be great. Her qualifications are impeccable. She's not perfect of course,

and liberals will demonize her as the daughter of Satan....that is.....if they believed

in God, which they don't, so how can there be a Satan ?

Evolution is the thing that is a scam. There is and never will be any evidence of

transitional fossils. Sorry, but tiny ameba type organisms do not count as an example

of evolution. I want a skull; but guess what, there are none in transition. It amazes

me that people can be so "in it" with their belief in evolution, but God as a Creator, and

Jesus Christ as a Savior, and the Holy Spirit as a heart changer----IMPOSSIBLE. Well,

think again.

My advice to Liberals is to look at the world, and especially the United States of America.

We are sliding fast. Almost 100 million not in the labor force is unprecedented. There are

millions of illegal folks here, some real bad folks, and many we have no idea where they are.

Would any of you Liberals take an illegal entrant into your home ? If no, why not, as you want

open borders so bad. Too, let's not discriminate, and please, let's open our borders to the

WORLD. Come on in!!

Some may not believe in the God of Jesus Christ, and there have been many wrongs and civil

rights advances that I will give credit to strong minded Black Americans, but for now on we are

Americans. I am all Irish, but am NOT and Irish American. This culture war is dividing our

country. No go zones that are manifesting themselves for Muslims and even far right crazy

so called Christians is flat out wrong. It's time we all assimilate together, and stop the name

calling. e.g: I am not a white supremacist simply because I am a white guy, but that is the

phrase of the day for women in the million women march, which was history, but a farce and

so damn unclear as to the values and desires of each individual. Too, Pro-life women were

not welcome. That is sick.

Betsy DeVos will bring back some morality and godly righteousness to this position. She does

not have to be an atheist to be accepted. She will help make this country great again, and that

my liberal friends is not excluding anyone. Anyone in this country can be whoever they want,

and believe what ever they want.

The only thing that is going to stop, is leveraged Chaos perpetuated by the left the last 40 years,

and in recent times funded by George Soros. What a great American he is. Sheesh~~~!!
2017-02-26 22:19:24 UTC
She isn't qualified when it comes to experience. I wish her well, but am sad to see her selected.
2017-02-26 03:30:50 UTC
It leads a brilliant impression for common people as at present we are in shortage of true educationist.
2017-02-25 18:17:07 UTC
She kinda turns me on. Like the same way lois from malcom in the middle turns me on.
Hey you
2017-02-25 15:52:44 UTC
Where I live, Students, Tax payers and many Great Teachers are held captive by under performing, over priced school systems control by Teachers Unions, and Democrats that survive off of them. With school vouchers, Our education system will flourish to new heights.

Great Choice Mr. President
GO Flossie - Floyd
2017-02-19 19:14:45 UTC
Frankly, I have lost all interest in what goes on in the new administration. It's laughable and shames the U.S. If all these folks think that a rich guy in NYC is in touch with their needs they have been snookered. I haven't been this disgusted since GW and Reagan.
2017-02-17 10:00:23 UTC
The republicans in congress just want more of her ill gotten gains and to hell with your children and their schools. They are like piglets shoving and pushing to get to their momma's teats. Trump is the greediest piglet in the litter.
Steven S
2017-02-16 09:27:45 UTC
Since when do we hire people according to their financial status instead of their abilities to get the job done? Trumps entire cabinet is built upon this.
2017-02-10 19:07:06 UTC
She can't be any worse then what we had. Common core ring a bell? She should bring back competition between learning institutions. Let the better schools set the bar, not the government. this generation of graduates are ill prepared both scholastically and psychologically to enter society as self supporting adults.
2017-02-10 10:52:49 UTC
Confirms that money is a substitute for ability.
2017-02-08 01:36:25 UTC
I think it doesn't matter, Trump is a joke to the office (although compared to Hillary Clinton he's freaking Lincoln), and it looks like his choices are just other rich and famous people who aren't necessarily the best for the job.

Why doesn't it matter though? Because our education system is an even BIGGER JOKE. The government as a whole is corrupt, twisted and inefficient. Our education, judicial, health, foreign, EVERYTHING systems need massive reworking.
richard t
2017-02-05 04:47:07 UTC
If you think education is great in the USA now, then I suppose you do not want her. However, since it is not, she is the catalyst that can shake things up and help move us to school choice and other educational policies that will be beneficial to students, though it will likely hurt the underperforming teachers and administrators. .
Disciple of Truth
2017-02-04 08:13:24 UTC
I don't know too much about her, but if she is for school choice I am interested to see what comes of it. As a teacher I have seen how certain student's needs can't get met in our present system, and to sacrifice them for the sake of protecting the status quo is to miss the point. As a biologist I also know the value of a diverse population for protecting a species, and so similarly suspect that a diverse educational population may also help our country face whatever challenges lie ahead.
Troll Hunter
2017-01-31 00:25:37 UTC
Finally, someone who is actually interested in EDUCATION, not some union hack who is beholden to the corrupt NEA
2017-01-28 06:33:32 UTC
Judging only by her hearing only. I would be alarmed if she was in charge
2017-01-26 16:55:39 UTC
I thought that was one dept that Trump wants to get rid of and frankly I totally agree with him, you don't improve education by throwing more money at it and that is exactly what that dept has done since its inception

it was just another cushy job for a crony of the president at the time

our schools have been failing our children for decades and putting more money into it will not do any better

I was absolutely stunned when the daughter of my pastor replied to a bridal gift I sent her. She had just graduated college and was headed for a teaching job, no less but her response to the gift was that it would be a nice addition to (name of husband) and I's house, and she had four years of HIGHER education, even the lower education failed her
2017-01-26 05:34:48 UTC
Do I think she is suited? I'm sure she has many suits & soon all the public schools will have them too & children will suffer from a LACK OF THEIR SURROUNDINGS IN THE REAL WORLD! I fear my childhood schooldays of the repressive 1950's will once again invade these young minds with conservative viewpoints & organized religious teaching.

Raising all the RED FLAGS FOR ME! She belongs in the private sector & not in the public IMHO! She will help to widen the divide & the bias will grow between the races & economically disadvantaged people will be left behind. The special needs children will be forced to move to a state with appropriate programs if the states get the go ahead to opt out of helping those they deem to be a drain on their local tax systems! Sad Day in the USA. Color me ashamed.
2017-01-25 22:08:00 UTC
The politics of education is local.
2017-01-25 17:41:39 UTC
Who better to understand the situation of the underprivileged and disenfranchised?

Would we really want someone who understood, and was involved with, them first-hand, or someone who doesn't need to step back to take a dispassionate overview, and make a good business decision.
2017-01-25 03:41:38 UTC
DOE has had 500 guvermint classroom directors who never taught ten minutes inside a classroom

layoffs kiddo

they are on the way
2017-01-25 01:12:11 UTC
She's terrible If you have anything to do with education, you need to know what the following are, or at least dealt with these things:

IEP, 504 PLAN, PELL grant, scholarship, FAFSA, financial aid.

She couldn't answer questions. She couldn't give any answers to kids who are currently in college.

She wrote a tweet about being in Washington D.C. with poor grammar.

What favor is owed to her?
2017-02-23 02:04:30 UTC
Today is 2/22/17.

Your "news" is over a month old.

How much longer are you going to bleed this for?
2017-02-21 20:45:55 UTC
Remember professor Umbridge? Order of the Phoenix? You know how she didn't know how to run a goddamn school and the students revolted? Hmm. Now who does that remind you of? Couldn't be DeVos, could it?
Logos Lore
2017-02-21 17:03:16 UTC
She's not qualified. Devos only got the position because of her donations. At least schools will now be safe from bears!
2017-02-18 19:05:12 UTC
horrible choice
Holey Mufflers
2017-02-13 20:23:33 UTC
not qualified!



this site is going to sh*t because of YOU!!!!!

we provide you with the feed back to do it and you do nothing. all your replies have countless thumbs down.
2017-02-10 16:43:05 UTC
Money may not buy happiness, but it sure can buy unqualified #BetsyDevos
2017-02-09 22:17:54 UTC
Someone who has never attended a public school. and has never been employed in a public school, is automatically suspect.

Next question would be:

What are her real-world qualifications for being in charge of shaping the lives of millions of human beings?

BIG question: Why did she not give a flat YES when asked if the charter schools will be held to the same standards as the public schools?
2017-02-08 20:39:15 UTC
She into Charter schools? She want to privatize Education? Both bad ideas. We used to have affirmative action, bussing, which if left alone would have done a lot about inter-ethnic distrust. They were "rolled back" long before they should have been. We under-funding education now with lotteries? Terrible idea. This woman is a horrible choice. (From an MA, English, GI Bill, working student, public education all the way.)
2017-02-05 02:35:00 UTC
Billionaire Devos supports choice for schools. Choice means that kids can now get religious education (earth 6000 years old, evolution is a scam, dna is a scam (doesn't show link of all life, but was put there by the devil to fool us), abortion is sinful, condoms are sinful, we should stop everything and pray in school (religious or not because we need to instill good values). But, the Brown Vs. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas (US Supreme Court, 1954) decision made it clear that separate was not equal. So, while US tax dollars fund religious schools, poor kids will be stuck in places like Detroit public schools. While it is true that Devos presided over a revamping of Detroit, after W. Bush ravaged the manufacturing sector by allowing a recession, and making it worse with bad trade deals, Devos exerted entirely too much religious zeal. The pearl of "wisdom" of the day is that teachers are "always" responsible when kids refuse to learn. But in reality, in poor ethnic neighborhoods, kids simply give up--in high school, they stop doing homework and stop showing up to classes. Their parents have to work long hours, so can't mentor them. Great teachers like Jaime Escalante, showed that kids have to be motivated, and made to understand that they can earn more and get more respect if they get good educations. He used to plop hats on the kids and ask them if they want to be frying chickens all day for the rest of their lives. His students went on to MIT and great lives. Escalante involved parents. Teachers are docked pay if their students stop studying. Privatizing public education might save the rich or middle class kids (whose parents want them to succeed and are willling to pay for it), but what about the kids who need educaiton the most?
The Taxpayer
2017-02-04 22:14:34 UTC
I think she will be Great.
2017-02-03 20:59:45 UTC
Our education system and the education of students can't get any worse than it is now. In the last 50 years our graduates have been falling further and further behind internationally. Since they will have to compete in a global economy, the problem is only compounded. IMO, Take a wait and see stance on her appointment before running your uneducated mouths. Seems to me the past DOE bosses, that were not condemned by you people, have done a very poor job keeping our students competitive. If coming from a rich family is a hinderance, Then how did the Kennedy's get elected so many times knowning that all their money was made illegally working with the MOB during prohibition?
2017-01-30 02:34:06 UTC
Is this really you, Yahoo? Well, maybe not answer right now. No, thank you!
2017-01-27 05:41:32 UTC
2017-01-26 20:45:22 UTC
I won't answer any more of your questions until you FIX the damned glitches in Y/A.
2017-01-26 18:45:17 UTC
Most people agree what we are doing now is not working well.

But most people against her want to do things the same way - just more money. But practically NONE of them send their children to public schools - they send them to private schools.

So if these people really believe in choice as they so often chant - then give poor people a choice too - let them have credits to send their children to private schools.

Most are against her because 1 - she has money; 2 - she wants to change things 3 - she doesn't bend over for unions

Those are not valid reasons to hate someone.
Jerry S
2017-01-26 14:07:25 UTC
bad choice
2017-01-26 04:14:56 UTC
She doesn't have any banking experience to manage such large amount of federal money, she doesn't have any personal understanding of what students have to go through to get a student loan and she has only worked with private schools. Coming from a billionaire family easy simply not good enough reason nor qualification to be secretary of education
2017-01-25 18:27:50 UTC
may be correct
2017-01-25 00:43:46 UTC
the right person
2017-01-24 03:41:59 UTC
Betsy DeVos is an excellent choice for the Department of Education. The main consideration in this decision is the fact that THE AMERICAN EDUCATION SYSTEM IS A DISASTER! Our students place below average in comparison to students of other countries, yet our system is one of the most expensive. Many teachers in the USA are awful, and everybody knows it, but the Teachers' Unions protect them. Competition is the answer. Students should be able to choose the school they want to attend. Without school choice, students are locked into bad schools with no hope for the future. Betsy DeVos is an advocate for School Choice. I'm glad that Donald Trump has selected Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. We all saw the video where Elizabeth Warren was being very nasty to Ms. DeVos during the Senate Confirmation Hearing. Elizabeth Warren should be ashamed of herself. Our schools are terrible and she defends them. Very shameful indeed.
2017-02-25 18:20:19 UTC
Don't be late
2017-02-23 14:17:27 UTC
Great choice.......she will do a great job
2017-02-21 03:20:08 UTC
Outstanding,...Finally accountability for the Dept of Education
2017-02-17 06:14:51 UTC
Chuck L
2017-02-16 23:04:47 UTC
I spent 40 years as a college chemistry professor. Over those years, I saw a decided decline in students' preparation. The students were not less smart than their predecessors; just poorly taught. The decline started shortly after the Dep't of Ed. was formed. Dismal failure but want to stick with the tried andsure to fail than trying something different. I believe it was the educator Dana who said, "He who dares to teach must never cease to learn."
2017-02-12 02:08:47 UTC
Totally unacceptable. Unqualified and brings nothing to the job but her own agenda which does nothing for the masses public education is supposed to reach.
2017-02-11 22:42:30 UTC
Great choice. She will do a great job in the long term.
2017-02-11 00:51:09 UTC
They say that brevity is the sole of wit. I'll make this short. The left has only one issue that they care about when it comes to education which is school choice. I find it interesting that the teachers union is so against the inner city kids getting a good education and always crying fowl over the distribution of the tax payer's money.

She is an excellent choice who makes the elites nervous~!
2017-02-10 19:44:52 UTC
The Wizard of Rock and Roll
2017-02-09 11:17:24 UTC
Another PLOY by #PompousPOTUS and the Republicans , to make sure they can keep poor people from Education , but She was brought in to dismantle this Dept. as a Bill will or has been submitted to do away with this Dept.They want Young people un-educated ( so they can do the lackey jobs and die in their Wars ) and Old People ( except Rich People - who can afford the Hospitals , Medical Bills and lest not forget the Pills ) It would be nice of US old folks to die Sooner then Later , unless we can afford to Live w/o anyone's Assistance , Monetarily , that is !

For the first time in History of the USA the Vice-POTUS had to cast the tie breaking Vote , not enough Republicans had the Cohones to stand up to #TheFirstANDLastKingOfTheUSofA
2017-02-09 03:33:30 UTC
Public schools are absolute shitholes. Most colleges are shitholes as well. It is nearly impossible to do worse than what we already have.
2017-02-05 14:30:02 UTC
She is awful
2017-02-04 15:39:54 UTC
One wonders what she will change so she can direst funding to her friends companies and to her own pocket? After all thats the Republican way.
2017-02-04 03:16:28 UTC
I wouldn t touch her with a ten foot pole. Probably catch a disease. she looks used
2017-02-02 12:20:48 UTC
No thoughts. Gustavo Woltmann
2017-02-01 02:30:40 UTC
Excellent for education . Its about time we had someone who is interested in the kids not just the teachers .
2017-01-28 16:22:47 UTC
In a nutshell, she's totally unqualified.
Uncle Remus 54
2017-01-26 17:50:56 UTC
I am hopeful she will do a wonderful job and get rid of CORE.
2017-01-25 07:28:26 UTC
When she wanted guns in school to protect kids from grizzly attacks I thought that we were in a really bad comedy movie again.
2017-01-25 00:44:02 UTC
Why is Y!A staff asking political questions?
2017-03-01 07:15:16 UTC
Seems like Trump hired another racist to work under his administration- I am NOT surprised.
2017-03-01 01:56:13 UTC
DeVos never attended public school, nobody in her family ever attended public school, and she has no background in education so apparently being rich qualifies her. Really? Just today

Betsy DeVos put out a Press Release Celebrating Jim Crow Education System as Pioneer of “School Choice”. The only thing that qualifies DeVos in that position is that she gave large amounts of money to Republican politicians.
Flying Jackolade
2017-02-26 15:25:41 UTC
DeVos serves Trump and the GOP but does not serve the good of the American People. The loss of a good education system in this country is evident and breaks down not just at the state levels but also on the Federal levels. The system was on a better course under Obama then the previous administration. The Trump Administration is planning to undo all of Obama's work even if the work was beneficial to the American People. DeVos wants to mix religion with our education system pushing for private education. Most Americans can not afford private education even with the prospect of vouchers. Only those who already use private schools will benefit with a voucher program. Top Republicans publically stated that they fear educated people because educated persons most likely will not vote a Republican ticket and along comes Trump and DeVos.
2017-02-26 06:10:58 UTC
Public School Achievements: Ceased teaching - History, Geography, English: Sentence diagraming, Classic Literature. Political Science. Current teaching: SEX education, Climate change and calculators. Maybe its time America tries a new approach to providing a better education.
2017-02-23 16:33:56 UTC
2017-02-16 01:33:56 UTC
The scriptures have been fulfilled-the blind are leading the blind. She knows nothing of education just as the Donald knows nothing of politics or foreign relations.
2017-02-12 01:59:52 UTC
IT make me want to cry and burry my grave and fill the hole with me in it
2017-02-06 01:52:31 UTC
My thoughts that the Federal Government doesn't need a Department of Education.
2017-02-06 00:37:31 UTC
She should be jailed.
2017-02-05 02:56:33 UTC
She's never run a parent council, a classroom, a school, a school district, a state's department of education, a community college, a regular college, a university, or a grad school. She has NO EXPERIENCE.
2017-02-03 23:00:28 UTC
She is NOT a good choice! She does NOT understand the laws as it applies to people with disabilities and she wants to give the money to corporate where the disabled would have to wave their rights.
2017-02-03 00:49:06 UTC
2017-02-02 19:26:40 UTC
I don't care who he puts in which department but not the future, they still have a chance to make it and this lady is incompetent.
2017-02-01 01:56:20 UTC
It is distressing to me that Betsy DeVos is actually Trump's pick. Have any of you watched her interview. Through the whole interview she would not answer any questions. She would redirect the question or "discuss it later". She would not even just say yes to following the set rules to stopping fraud colleges. All she had to say was yes, yet she said her team would review the rules. Betsy DeVos is completely incapable, and she would not be Trump's pick if she was not a billionaire.
2017-01-30 16:27:56 UTC
She is a good choice. Elections have consequences.
2017-01-29 17:08:17 UTC
Horrible. The woman has bought her way with donation money. She destroyed Michigan schools.
2017-01-28 13:10:36 UTC
which department?
2017-01-25 21:15:43 UTC
Dont know much about her other than she likes charter schools and vouchers. We need an overhaul of public schools and perhaps she has some ideas. The teachers unions are a real obstacle to developing new approaches to educating kids. I dont believe institutions that are mandated in the Constitution should be unionized. It should be a merit system so you can get rid of bad teachers.
2017-01-25 13:41:33 UTC
The public school system takes away your brain in middle & high school, then they sell it back to you through college.
2017-01-23 21:28:19 UTC
Totally Unqualified! Her money to the Republicans alone got her this pick
2017-02-27 23:39:53 UTC
She'll likely overturn this horrific Title IX sexual assault legislation which is the best single action to help education at the moment.
2017-02-23 20:39:02 UTC
I think you can lead a mule to water but you can't make him drink. Education is only for the willing.
2017-02-16 18:36:44 UTC
Can hadrly done must worse.
2017-02-14 19:05:31 UTC
2017-02-14 16:19:58 UTC
I don't necessarily trust her, but to say she will be a bad Sec of Education simply 'cause she is connected to Amway... is nonsensical drivel at its best. If you don't like AMway and multi-level marketing, that's your problem and not a factor that determines DeVos' qualifications... And even if she loves religion doesn't mean she will stuff a bible into every child's hands...
Glen M
2017-02-11 22:22:18 UTC
She supports school choice. It's called freedom. Look it up. Nobody, including the government should tell me how or where to educate my kids. Sorry. If you don't like it, communism is better suited for you where you have no choice.
2017-02-08 19:17:07 UTC
My mother is a teacher and I feel so sorry for her. Betsy DeVos is absolutely not qualified for the position. I fear for my mother's job and I fear for the education of youth.
You Know . . .
2017-02-07 22:26:57 UTC
Let's hope she does something to bring money back into the schools. Obama didn't!
2017-02-04 01:28:21 UTC
The position should not be a Cabinet position to begin with. It should revert back to Health and Human Services. Where D.C. has a legitimate role in education is better left to the Justice Department and the courts. States are responsible for determining how and how much state residents should be educated at the expense of the taxpayer. There is no requirement in our Constitution to provide education. The power centers in Washington have expanded far beyond the founding fathers original intent. So, it matters not who heads the education agency of the federal gov t. And no confirmation should be needed. Just another new hire.
2017-02-03 09:09:41 UTC
She's not even qualified to teach high school. She has a BA from an average Christian school. No Masters, no education degree, no experience.
2017-02-03 00:31:44 UTC
She promises to end common core and muslims teaching islam. For those reasons alone she would be a good choice.
Brevet Shop
2017-02-02 12:30:39 UTC
Education is your own concern...
2017-02-02 11:06:00 UTC
We shouldn't be enlisting our kids to use their friends as amway prospects.
t s
2017-02-01 03:04:50 UTC
To the fool who thinks the Devos started charter schools,,, hahahahaaha,, you my dear are a moron. Read Steven Brills book. Indeed, she is the sister of the criminal, Prince ,,of Blackwater, the murderous soldier of fortune that the failed GWBush hired to secure Iraq. She is indeed related to Amway fortune, which is nothing but a tax scam, and nothing but the worst of predatory capitalism.
2017-01-31 23:12:40 UTC
I think she is a horrible choice for head of Dept. of Education. She wants to put more money into private schools, and that isn t fair to the poor kids who have no other choice but to be educated in public schools. Also, if you are going to advocate for education, you should be open-minded, rational, and intelligent, which are things that Mrs. DeVos is not. I meant "you" collectively, not personally. I am convinced she wants to turn the public school system into a creationist think tank.
2017-01-30 21:58:42 UTC
She clearly wants to get rid of the entire public system and privatize it. How are low income families going send their kids to school if they can't afford it? This is clearly their attempt to keep america ignorant. If the masses remain ignorant they're a lot easier to manipulate.
Andy F
2017-01-26 03:31:53 UTC
from what I've read about her, she's trying to destroy free public education in this country and replace it with a supposedly competitive system of private schools. This fits her own educational experience as a member of an immensely wealthy family, and it also fits her extreme "free market" ideology, which sees government-supported public school as a "socialistic" threat to free choice.

However, the American system of free public elementary schools and high schools, whatever its imperfections, has been one of this country's most important inventions. A system of private, for-profit schools like the one DeVos hopes to create is a perfect recipe for elitism, inequality and snobbery in American life, and is a threat to what remains of our democratic society. That makes DeVos a terrible choice for Secretary of Education.
Mike S
2017-01-25 14:50:03 UTC
Another multi-millionaire who will personally profit by dismantling the department she's unfit to lead.
tceffE rorriM
2017-01-25 14:44:00 UTC
What the heck!?!?!? Credentials and experience don't matter.
2017-01-23 13:51:45 UTC
Nice choice.
2017-02-27 13:50:10 UTC
everyone who voted for her should be fired and the morons who like her because of 'school choice' don't know what they're talking about.
2017-02-24 19:26:50 UTC
Totally unqualified. Only reason she got appointed is In the past two election cycles alone, her family has donated $8.3 million to Republican Party super PACs.
2017-02-23 08:55:51 UTC
I think she is just what we need. Hopefully she will give public schools either a major overhaul or, at least, more school choice. As far as her supposed lack of knowledge in the public school system, what is there to know, to begin with? The administrators and the unions probably know less and are corrupt, to boot. Also, failed common core math must be abolished and replaced with sensible, quality education standards.
Dan K
2017-02-16 21:18:58 UTC
Funny how all the ultra-liberal walking dead line up to attack Trumps every move. Obummer appointed left-wing extremist, ineffectual poofs who held the party line and nothing was said or, ultimately accomplished! Why shouldn't the president-elect have people on his cabinet who actually get things done?
Robin W
2017-02-15 20:46:23 UTC
She's a Dominionist, and should be nowhere near a position of power.
2017-02-14 23:44:41 UTC
How dare she try to give our children the chance to attend any school they wish instead of sticking them in some crummy inner-city school.
2017-02-11 00:45:09 UTC
I duz feels us U.S. Mericans is smart nuff ands devo is da goodest un fer da job ov sucataree uf edumicaton. - IMHO TRUMP 2012!
2017-02-09 15:12:44 UTC
My thoughts on DeVos is about the same as that SNL Spicer sketch: she's just another inexperienced wannabe chosen only because she's a 1% republican that greased the palms of Trump's delusions. Sigh.
2017-02-08 05:55:02 UTC
We need a someone brave enough to state that the federal government has no business, whatsoever, in the education of our students. That is very clearly a state and local matter. She should state so publicly, eliminate the federal education department, and step down as she is no longer needed. That is when we will know that a conservative has been appointed.
2017-02-07 03:08:16 UTC
two seperate thoughts come to mind when hearing about Trump's pics

A.Like George W Bush, it's chronyism all over again

B.Is Trump deliberately trying to tear apart the country?
2017-02-07 02:49:15 UTC
As a student in a private institution, who has been in a public school, I feel she is unqualified. I have experienced public and private stances on her personal beliefs or educational goals, and so far, i can only say that her decisions could damage the education system, or destroy it. I want her to visit both public and private institutions, perhaps volunteer there.
2017-02-05 21:12:05 UTC
It's like putting a first grader with ADD in charge of a fourth grade class.
2017-02-04 20:45:43 UTC
That's OK
2017-02-03 02:59:59 UTC
I am happy with her and glad she was chosen.

she is smart enough
2017-02-02 19:19:28 UTC
She must be good because the two republicans who won't vote for her are getting paid tons of money by the Teachers' Unions. That alone tells us she is for making education better, giving more to the teachers and less to the administrators and union leaders.
2017-01-29 12:31:39 UTC
I'm all for getting her out of the State of Michigan. You can have her...
Bert Weidemeier
2017-01-26 18:11:55 UTC
She is a much less than adequate pick, has limited skills for little except money.
2017-01-25 14:28:34 UTC
Betsy DeVos is a long overdue breath of fresh air and I have only high expectations.

I first question the need for a federal echelon Department of Education, and frankly I hope she dismantles it. The Constitution delineates what the fed is supposed to do, and if not specifically delineated then per the 10th amendment, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

US education excelled under state control, peaking circa 1950s. The downturn began with the 1954 Brown v Board of Education opinion that compelled integration of schools based on egalitarian theory, that all races are equal. After sixty years of standardized testing and an enduring “education gap” (really a genetics gap), only the most diehard ideologues still believe that. The races are not equal. You can give them all an equal chance but there will not be equal results. Jimmy Carter created the Dept of Ed in 1979, and things have since worsened.

Today the average industrialized nation spent $9,313 per year per student, while the US spent $12,731, and yet we are ranked 36th in results. More money, worse results. As a share of its economy, the United States spent more than the average country in the survey. In 2010, the United States spent 7.3 percent of its gross domestic product on education, compared with the 6.3 percent average of other industrialized countries.

Much of the fault lies with the Teacher’s Union, the NEA, who in typical democratic style want to double down and throw more money at the broken system. In all honesty, and what no politician will publicly say, much of the problem is a worsening gene pool – the cognitive capacity or IQ of individual students – and lousy parenting because multiculturalism prohibits criticizing the values/cultures/beliefs of other population groups.

So I’m all about vouchers, which Betsy will advance. Let the smart disciplined kids congregate and learn together. The genetically inferior kids can still be taught, but be realistic with expectations. In natural Darwinism, they should perish. Washington DC, which spends the most per student, has the lowest HS graduation rate, below 60%. If you cannot graduate HS, what can you do? A robot is taking your McDonald’s job. These feral beasts are incapable of functioning in modern society so best they be gone. Let the thoroughbreds run with other thoroughbreds, and put the mules in another pasture.
2017-01-25 13:29:09 UTC
100% unqualified--just like the idiot who appointed her. She has NO experience in public education. She's clueless. She was appointed based solely on her huge contributions to the Republican Party.
2017-01-24 21:00:31 UTC
I have nothing but admiration and awe for anyone in that field of work. Not an easy job for any teacher. Yet somehow people do get educated and they are the ones responsible for that being done. Every now and then I volunteer to assist. I always leave the experience awe inspired. Basically, that is where my thoughts are on that subject. Hope she is up to the challenge.
Sunday Crone
2017-02-25 16:56:24 UTC
She may support "school choice", but has no idea or experience in public school Administration.,
Robert G
2017-02-24 22:44:04 UTC
Just close the DoE and give the money to state to hire classroom teachers. We don t need bureaucrats to teach kids.
Mac q
2017-02-23 18:28:53 UTC
Out of the box pick...she will be the best in history. Our founding fathers would be turning over in their graves if they knew American's were taxed then forced to fund a public education system. All education is a privilege, NOT A RIGHT. It should be earned, not vicariously handed out like blocks of cheese!
2017-02-22 20:36:36 UTC
I see her as an excellent choice -by any metric. She will curtail the power of the "Teacher's Union".

They are a self-serving group who's goal is not at the children's best interest. If they were -they would

not be adverse to Teacher testing of skills levels.

They tend to be an ULT Left organization with strong Communist leanings. They are strong on protecting

marginal Teachers and weak on the true needs of the students. They tend to be adverse to the values

of America and desire to teach our kids their Leftist One World Order belief system.

2017-02-22 08:15:02 UTC
My thought is that I wish she were capable of any thought at all.
2017-02-17 11:40:06 UTC
The topic is a pretense employed to distract the citizens. Which readers can readily name the previous Secretaries of Education or list their accomplishments? Were those previous Secretaries scrutinized to any degree? Why is Devose being scrutinized? Why the interest now?

It is productive for citizens to scrutinize any and all government officials whether elected or appointed. It is counter-productive to engage in such scrutiny because it is the popular bandwagon.

It is my hope that the practice of scrutiny is consistent with whatever party is voted and whomever is selected so that the citizens can get the government they need and deserve.
I'm blunt, get over it
2017-02-12 22:17:14 UTC
I don't really see what the fuss is about. Is she qualified? That truly depends on what the qualifications are. Of the 10 education secretaries before her, only 4 had any sort of actual experience as an educator. She is by no means the first person to by a nomination for a secretary/cabinet level position. Honestly to me, the Trump supporters should be the most upset. He promised to drain the swamp, but he apparently left out the part about refilling it. The big thing I see is a massive failure of the education over the last 40 years. We cannot simply continue to do the same thing, is this the right change? I don't know, but I know that doing the same thing is not the right thing to do.
2017-02-12 18:47:07 UTC
The education system is so ruined lately, we need new ideas, blood and procedures, give her a chance bcause what we have now doesn't work, just look at the element that our schools are now graduating!
2017-02-12 02:23:05 UTC
Terrible! She has no experience in education nor does she have a teaching degree. Trump should have picked someone else for the position.
2017-02-10 21:00:24 UTC
She's kinda pretty ;-) and a good choice
2017-02-06 15:07:36 UTC
For someone who has never even attended a public school, it kind of worries me that she would be in charge on public education.
2017-02-05 09:14:50 UTC
As she supports school choice i think it is great
2017-02-05 07:33:00 UTC
Betsy Devos is not qualified for the Dep't of education.

Anyone, even a PTA leader, is more qualified than Betsy Devos, who barely has a college education.

She has never held office. Despite marrying into money I don't even think she has earned a dime in her life.

Of all of Trump's bad appointments (Carson is another unqualified novice) Devos may be the worst decision of any.

I cannot approve of Devos and am rather thankful to not be affected by this travesty.

Just Say No to War
2017-02-03 15:04:53 UTC
She's never even taught before, so I don't think she's qualified. Also, I don't understand how choice of curriculum has gotten so politicized. I home-school my children, and choose from a variety of books, activities and internet sites to help them learn. I'm not extremely familiar with this common core thing people have been talking about. Every once in a while, I buy a book and it says it lives up to common core standards, and I don't see any difference between that book and books I've bought in the past. I've seen a few sample questions in articles where the person is griping about common core and using this insane question they found on their child's math homework as an example of why they hate common core. It seems to me common core wants to teach kids to really understand the math, and think about it in different ways. And that's great, but do the teachers have enough time to do this? This requires a very talented teacher, with plenty of time, because for the kids to learn this, it's going to take time. With homeschooling, I have this gift of time. I also have flexibility. What if one kid just really sucks at math, and may not ever be able to understand it well? What if memorizing and learning the old way is the most appropriate thing for that particular student? They may not be so good in math, but could grow up to be a brilliant writer. Or movie producer. Or historian. Or child social worker. It's not as if you're ignoring their educational needs or failing to develop their talents if you decide to teach them the old fashioned way that has worked for generations before. So I like the idea of common core, but I don't think it should be mandatory. I think the teachers need more flexibility. I think they would have more time for teaching math and other important subjects if so much time wasn't being used for unimportant things. I also think they would have more time if they didn't have so many students in their class. They want the teachers to teach something that takes a lot of time and hands on instruction, yet throw her in a situation where it's like an education factory. Oh, and if the parents would actually show an interest in their kids, remind them to do their homework, and let them know they need to be on their best behavior while at school or they will be in trouble when they get home, that would be great. I imagine it's hard to teach the kids, when they have no respect for authority and seem to have no understanding of why it's important to learn.
2017-02-02 20:21:48 UTC
I strongly feel that she is not right for the job. She is absolutely for the more advantaged students. Doesn`t seem to have any real understanding of what lower middle class families on down, have to deal with. She couldn`t/wouldn`t properly answer certain questions. I can easily see why Pres. Trump likes her. He can`t relate to the lower classes either. How could he. He`s never really known such a person.
2017-02-01 05:43:22 UTC
A 4 year old kid would be more qualified than most of Trump's cabinet....
2017-01-29 08:05:42 UTC
Nope she the worst
2017-01-28 22:42:18 UTC
President Donald Trump is so awesome.
2017-01-26 14:52:46 UTC
I do not think there should be a Federal department of Education. If I were President, I would simply pay the employees to do nothing all day, and essentially shut it down altogether.

Education is a state and local issue. There is no Constitutional authority for Federal interference in Education.
2017-01-25 03:41:08 UTC
stupid and not well thought out. for obvious reasons i must say. I feel someone more qualified should have that job, but he only knows wheelers and dealers so what do you expect?
2017-02-27 07:28:52 UTC
She is gorgeous, for her age.
2017-02-24 08:42:18 UTC
I think she's GREAT. Go away, liberals.
2017-02-19 18:45:59 UTC
DeVos is a disease
2017-02-16 04:06:05 UTC
I see NOTHING positive or encouraging coming from Devos. I see chaos and an upheaval by people with no experience in this office. I would have liked to see an extremely diverse yet balanced team of players.

I'm horrified actually. I am 52 and have no children however, I know quite a few teachers.
2017-02-15 04:10:44 UTC
I have not heard of her.
2017-02-15 03:50:58 UTC
I don t know much about her, but I hope for our country s sake that she proves her critics wrong.
New here
2017-02-11 19:09:37 UTC
Couldn't care less
2017-02-11 18:46:33 UTC
She seems well qualified
Tom thumb
2017-02-09 04:57:56 UTC
Since the Demoncrats are against her, I figure she must be a good choice, loud mouth Sen Warren is proof she will be ok since she is against anyone who is a Republican.
2017-02-06 10:09:37 UTC
Right choice.
2017-02-06 03:36:56 UTC
She's a horrible choice.
tm b
2017-02-04 21:51:28 UTC
she likes the voucher system because public schools suck, we have thrown billions at them and they still suck.
2017-02-04 13:01:46 UTC
Wonderful. Just what America needs.
2017-01-29 04:41:38 UTC
i dunno
2017-01-28 06:41:42 UTC
She's not qualified, but she is a school choice advocate, private school promoter via tax payer/voucher system, and that's what the Republican's have always liked. She is clueless about the Dept. of Education.
2017-01-26 23:48:20 UTC
DeVos is an Educational Socialite. Zero credentials.

Jail her now
2017-01-26 19:30:03 UTC
a payoff for her family's $millions in contributions to trump's campaign.

she's hardline dismantler of public edu and religious fanatic
2017-01-26 01:18:27 UTC
Betsy DeVos has no experience in the education system. Her only aim is to recoup the 1.9 million she lately contributed to the Republican party through sub-standard for-profit charter schools.

Richard B
2017-01-25 05:37:37 UTC
She strikes me as uniquely unqualified. I feel like Trump has gone out of his way to pick the worst possible people for his cabinet positions.
2017-01-25 00:43:15 UTC
My empathy for her. A near impossible task. Not so much the money, rather the task of giving underprivileged " good schools".

The schools can be built, teachers acquired, good money spent, however a bottom line remains. One cannot teach " the unteachable". I refer not to any students IQ, but simply their behavior.

Certain children, especially from inner city poor districts have simply never known proper care or discipline.

I believe one of the only possible remedies is to establish live in schools where these at risk children can know peace and education. Just education, no political agenda. None.
2017-02-25 04:08:40 UTC
Of all of Trump's choices this one bothered me the most. Her lack of knowledge of the subject of education alongside her having never taught in a public school setting are disturbing to me. It would also have been a good thing if she had sent her own kids to a public school instead of the private schools that most cannot afford.

My biggest concern still remains her lack of commitment to the public schools. Her quick selection and subsequent approval courtesy of VP Pence's tie breaking vote do not alleviate my concerns with her ability to effectively manage the Dept. of Education.
2017-02-22 23:57:58 UTC
I am strongly against her. In our rural community, we love our public schools. We do not want charter schools here. One thing I am REALLY against and this is the fundamentalist religion she includes in her charter schools. I do not want children being taught that God will punish you if you do not obey his rules, that there is a Satan and if you do not follow God's rules when you die you will be sent to the eternal fires of Hell. NO - God is only love, there is no such thing as a devil and no such thing as Hell. We are all a piece of God therefore we are a piece of Divinity. We are NOT born with sin. Jesus did not die for our sins. In fact, Jesus most likely would like people to listen more to the words he said while here and not spend so much time on his crucifixion. We are all Divine and have lived and will continue to live many lives. We are the experiencer for God. Would God send a piece of himself to Hell? I don't think so. Please do not teach our children that God is something to be feared!
2017-02-21 04:47:35 UTC
I believe she is one of the worst qualified people to be chosen for any position in this government cabinet . After reviewing her interviews by congress, and seeing that she is completely ignorant to what she would have to handle is one scary thought. I'm convinced that this may be a favor Trump may owe her family, Why do trust fund babies, who never really accomplish anything in their lives, think that they are themselves qualified to handle such a position.Shes clearly a very selfish woman who has led a delushionable life of pretending something that she is not and never will be. . On top of everything else, The very shady families that she is associated with could only make the whole situation worse.. Check out her brother, and tell me he's on the up and up.. then do a little checking on her husbands family.. That's all you need to see. God help us all from this new administration and the Trust fund Babies who never made it on their own.
2017-02-20 03:50:52 UTC
Agree most of my President choices

are intended to destroy the my Nation

from the top downward. Betsy VeVos

is just the opposite. She destroys all

public education from bottom upward.
2017-02-19 21:14:36 UTC
i agree 100%
2017-02-18 14:06:26 UTC
It's hilarious that so many people are upset at what they perceive as Mrs. Devos's lack of experience when if they look back 8 years ago, President Obama appointed mostly political hacks with no experience as Czars to run the government. He had no experience and neither did most of his cabinet. But worst of all, is that the TOLERANT LEFT WINGERS, have threatened her with so many death threats that U.S. Marshals are now having to protect her. Whether she's qualified or not is to be determined by her actions as Education Secretary. She's been confirmed. The MILITANT and INTOLERANT left wingers need to sit back and see what happens. If she's unqualified, that will be revealed and there are constitutional remedies available.
2017-02-12 16:01:11 UTC
Makes me very sad and concerned, along with many other issues raised by this new administration. Bet she doesn't last.
2017-02-09 01:37:44 UTC
Great choice . Give kids caught in a failing school a way out and a chance to get an education .
2017-02-08 12:25:10 UTC
Most disappointing happening in the history of public education
2017-02-05 19:39:45 UTC
As unqualified as the man in the Oval Office is for the job he has. She is pathetically ignorant of public education. She is all about the $$$. Her plan has been a huge flop in MI. No tax dollar should go toward private, for profit schools. Or non-profit, either, for that matter. Every charter school where I live is a miserable underperforming babysitting service. We need a Sec who at the VERY least has a background in education. 100% AGAINST and I've let my senators know it.
2017-01-31 23:57:45 UTC
2017-01-31 21:51:08 UTC
She doesn't know anything about public school and what she knows is wrong. She has no idea what the Dept of Education's mission statement is... all she knows is that she's against it. Anyone can look this up and read it. Under the 'voucher system' wealthy families will be relieved of part of the financial burden of educating their kids in established private schools Meanwhile the less fortunate will land up enrolling kids in mostly fly-by-night swindles. Really, how many private schools are there in poor neighborhoods? The vouchers will never be enough to find a start up school and the cost of 'regulating' these schools will be high..but of course 'regulations' will be a thing of the past under the Trump regime. If it sounds too good to be know the rest!
Armchair Goddess #1
2017-01-31 12:36:10 UTC
I am inclined to strongly agree with Respondent "William" that the Betsy DeVos background poses a very clear and present danger to our nation's public schools. The amount that DeVos has donated to the alt-right Republican party extremists was stated during the Senate hearings to be $300 million, and it was also brought out that DeVos has never once attended a public school. In addition, the woman had profited from her and her family's investments in for-profit charter schools and they have invested heavily in for-profit schools that peddle their insane Old Testament fanaticism they like to call "religion"---a clear violation of our U.S. Constitution's 1st and 14th Amendments, since DeVos is on record stating her intention to bring this fanaticism into our public schools. There is no known experience shown by DeVos that would make her competent in the role of Secretary of Education, but there are lots of reasons to prevent DeVos from being confirmed if we, the people, want education to remain public, nonprofit, and untainted by hidden-agenda alt-right whacko birds.
2017-01-31 02:15:32 UTC
the cost of education is stupid!

maybe a crazy rich lady is what we need all the years of great educated people sure wasn't working out to good!

how come we still have an education system from farmers days? why are schools allowed to build halls and dorms while student counts are going down?
2017-01-29 22:15:21 UTC
It sucks!
2017-01-28 23:19:35 UTC
Pros: Supports school choice, allowing teachers to arm themselves in the event of a potential shooing, and allowing God to be in the school system

Cons: Lack of experience
2017-01-27 02:56:20 UTC
She is thoughtfully placed to do an important job. Perhaps, one day soon, she can release our public schools from the poison of the government-awarded monopoly strangle hold that has caused our nation's children to get a twisted and limited education.
2017-01-27 01:37:12 UTC
She does not have the background to be head of the national Department of Education. If being an ultra rich individual along with her tenure on various education forums count as qualifications then I suppose she is qualified. She has no hands on experience in any administration capacity in education. The DeVos family is one of Michigan's wealthiest. Betsy DeVos' husband, Richard Marvin "Dick" DeVos Jr., is a multi-billionaire heir to the Amway direct sales fortune and a major donor to conservative political campaigns and social causes. Of course Amway is a pyramid scheme. Only the very top members grow rich off of the hard work of individuals in the field attempting to sell the bogus scheme so they can get rich. The billionaire DeVos family is a major contributor to the republican party. Just another one hand washing the other situation. Trump is creating his own oligarchy along the lines of Putin.
Mikecox Sux
2017-01-26 20:21:02 UTC
She should formally change her name to Betsy DeSux
2017-01-26 18:57:39 UTC
Texas already tried charter schools . It was a dismal failure
2017-03-01 02:49:05 UTC
Extremely unqualified and not smart. She couldn't successfully answer a single one of the questions she was asked at the confirmation hearing. To get a simple low-paying job, you need to go to a job interview and answer an interviewer's questions and you usually need to have a certain amount of experience, but to head the nations department of education, all you have to do is be from a wealthy family and buy the support of a bunch of people
Yanet Lopez
2017-02-27 07:10:56 UTC
All I'm gonna say is that I feel really bad and sorry for my little sister.
Mike Cooper
2017-02-16 23:19:13 UTC
No real opinion, to be honest.
2017-02-15 18:27:24 UTC
I think she is absolutely unqualified to be the Secretary of Education. I'm actually scared she'll ruin this country's public schools! I'm glad I already have two backup plans for if she does: Catholic school, or home school. Her hearing statement just goes to prove that she's grossly unqualified. If that wasn't enough to convince people (which, evidenced by her being confirmed, it wasn't), then what would it take to convince people that she's not the right person for this job?! I don't have children yet, but when I do have kids, I don't want their education to be ruined by this woman!
Matthew F
2017-02-13 14:48:10 UTC
Hate Common Core, she is right for the job because of it.
2017-02-11 16:34:38 UTC
Hopefully she will do the job and get these educated idiots a wake-up call. The previous DoE sure didn't do anything like the rest of Obama's picks.

Get rid of all the things that one will never use in real life. How many high school and college grads suddenly burst upon the scene and received a reality check!

The amazing thing I have found is that these grads and a lot of you think they should start out at top pay. The other thing is that they may actually have to work to get money instead of it being handed to them.

I worked for a school district that was rated one of the best in Pennsylvania.and if that is the best then no wonder this country is going downhill in education. The curriculum was so outdated as well as lesson plans that have not been rewritten in years is a insult to the students as well as the taxpayers who pay the teachers wages.

Teachers would not have to "buy their own " pencils nor would the students if at the end of every single fiscal year tons and millions of dollars of supplies were not dumped in the dumpster so the school district can receive more money from the state or federal government.

If properly run the taxpayers millage would drop which in turn would lower taxes. There is no need for "new" sports fields, expanding athletics, or anything else if what is present works.

This country and the previous governmental agencies keep trying to fix something that isn't broke and the gullible nitwits think that is just great.

Reality check: It amazes me that people who were educated during the 1930's - mid 1960's know more than any college grad of today. I watched a coal mine foreman who had to stop production so a team of engineers could decipher a problem and come up with a solution. They had no clue that they were taking money out of the workers pockets. Finally the foreman walked over and told them what to do and then chased them off. He was 100% correct! He also left school with nothing but a eighth grade education during the great depression he had to go to work to support his family.

My father did the same thing because his father died when he was 13 and he was often asked for solutions to various problems to include business management, machine repair, financial advice, and the list went on and on. His family never wanted for nothing. We received what we needed and learned to repair it if we broke it. Most Americans of today have no clue to doing 1.8 of things like that.

Solution: If you don't like the way things are going to be in a public school system then do what many Americans did during Obama's reign. Yank your kids out of school and teach them at home. I have never heard of one home-schooled student not being able to pass final exams but sure have heard of many public seniors failing.

Lastly: Get used to the idea that your little bubble world has burst and any idiot knows you cannot repair a burst bubble.
2017-02-11 03:54:56 UTC
Unneeded choice is Betsy DeVos. Department of Education needs public education resources teams and all now in Public Education right now for building relationships in classroom management. Stop the dumbing down of students. Fund Public Education now and do it right now.
2017-02-09 13:16:46 UTC
I can't watch the Liberals in DC Bitching and Moaning like 6 year olds over every little thing right now (And I say that a a Liberal Democrat....Trump won, Im over it)

She's Trump's choice, She's in...Im over it
2017-02-08 23:47:37 UTC
I found a long time ago that the CHUMP Administration didn't care about having the best qualified people in their administration
2017-02-08 00:10:41 UTC
DeVos may be the worst choice imaginable for Secretary of Education.

We would probably be better off just choosing a school janitor for the job, at least the janitor has been in a public school and would have SOME reference. She has NONE! WTF?
Just Hazel
2017-02-05 05:56:12 UTC
Very poor choice. One more seat bought and paid for. with GOP donations. She, has demonstrated just how poorly educated she. herself, is.
2017-02-04 18:34:52 UTC
What's most disturbing about the Senate panel questioning of this woman is that had nothing to do with her views on important education issues, such as Core Curriculum and standardized testing.

It's clear what the Democrats were doing. If Trump knows nothing about education, he knows what views about education please the public, and he campaigned against Core Curriculum and standardized testing. The only thing Democrats could aim at was the personal history of DeVos. As they say in Hollywood, "It's all politics."

Whether privatization with school vouchers is a good idea or not, Michael Bloomberg's support for it shows that it's not exclusively an idea of the far right.

If Trump wants to make schools into churches at the tax payer's expense, he has what he calls "so-called judges" to deal with, and if he thinks his Supreme Court will back him, he's got another thing coming.
2017-02-03 23:52:12 UTC
Great choice
2017-02-03 23:11:11 UTC
Dear Senator Graham and Senator Scott,

I have been in classrooms for 32 years (high and middle school science). In private schools, I spent 7 years. For one-half year I taught in one of our South Carolina charter schools (2015). I returned, and remain in our SC public system after my foray into, and resignation from, ‘chartered territory.’ Over the years I taught in San Diego, Canada, Chicago, Tennessee, and now, here in South Carolina (since 2007), representing 9 systems.

Well-meaning persons who have been on the periphery, that are unschooled, unskilled, inexperienced, can ruin a classroom; a school, a system. Educating well, effectively, is an art and it is a science. The more experience, the better. Success in making meaningful, lasting, accepted, change to our antiquated system will take extensive experience, knowledge of the ins/outs, and even more importantly, experience in varied human strata, dealing with the psychology of people; an understanding of teaching and learning for both adults and children. It’s complicated and difficult. I do not glean any of the experience necessary from Ms. DeVos’ writing, or from her interview performance. I do not find either of your web sites helpful in laying out, clearly, with thoughtful comments, your personal understanding of her intentions, plans, philosophy. Rather, from both sites, to which your referred me, I recognize standardized, glib, political jargon. Where is your depth? Isn’t this a super-critical issue that will impact ALL of us for years? I fear Ms. DeVos’ apparent preference for a semi-private charter system is more about money than about effectively educating lots of human beings, LOTS of human beings…. Your support smacks of getting aboard the band wagon. The children of South Carolina’s classrooms will be relegated even longer, to the current inequalities of our poor system. It is a socioeconomically racist system. Charter schools are no solution to the dire straits of our deplorably abusive system that is charged with educating the masses. We are awfully good at educating the elite, the well-off, the privileged or rich; what of the masses? Mediocrity reigns and charter schools will not mitigate the sickness; they will be more of the same. I saw it, I see it.

Education, like war, should not be about the money. When it is, people get put in harm’s way unnecessarily; we lose them. Yes, I do argue that education is very similar to a hot war… the failures of education result in young adults without purpose, thus leading/contributing, too often, to the scourges of society: poverty, teen pregnancy, drop outs, drugs and alcohol, gangs, terror-cell attraction, mental illness, a citizenry that cannot think through the problems that they face daily, hourly. Our poor educational system and the current, shallow, propositions of ‘reformers’ do and will often lead to the devastation of suicide. Our children kill themselves directly as a result of poor educational decision making: politics.

Converting to a failing charter system from the failing public system is not an answer to educating children…it is a shift in funding. As I experienced it, the charter system is no better than the public system and can be worse.

To ask the neophyte, Ms. DeVos, to run the schools of the United States is familiar: “Just put a business person who knows money in there and they’ll get results.” President Trump, during his campaign, answered questions with regard to his ability to 'run things' by proclaiming, “I’ll hire the best people.”

Senator Graham, Senator Scott, do you believe Ms. DeVos is the best person available to President Trump; to the children of the United States, to run The Department of Education? There are hundreds, thousands, of people who have spent years and years in classrooms, then years in leadership positions, immersed directly in education and the issues that thwart quality for all (equality). They are available and exponentially more qualified to recognize/analyze the myriad problems inherent in educating humans. Experienced educators are more capable of moving toward solving those problems. Ms. DeVos’ shallow answers to profound questions with regard to education were enough for me to see, clearly, that she is not schooled well on the basic issues that we face as educators, parents, teachers, students, human beings; she is out of touch with BASIC issues, never mind the deep-rooted issues that plague education. Ms. DeVos is about charter schools and money…she may not be interested in personal monetary gain…but others are; those types are always around, you know that. Ms. DeVos may very well be the tool for those ‘business types.’

The current system is not fair to children; a shift to charter schools does not solve that problem. Putting a well-meaning business-type person in charge is out of touch with the nature of educating people; it is tantamount to sabotage. Ms. DeVos may be a nice person, I’ve known a lot of nice educators who worked hard, but they did not belong in education. The consequences of amateur and shallow decision making will continue to ravage us: poverty, drugs, suicide, dropouts, gangs, terror, poor problem solvers, and uninformed voters…dysfunctional democracy.

Educational reform is needed. I would declare it a national emergency. I do not see on either one of your web sites, explanations that convince me that YOU are fully convinced that the changes we anticipate from Ms. DeVos’ stated, shallow philosophy, will help. I urge you to think longer on it, think deeper…think outside the box, please. Why the hurry? There IS time. Why the fast decision-making process? We do not teach our children to shallow-think issues; we do not teach them to hurry into decisions; we teach them to think for themselves and hopefully make decisions that will benefit as many as possible without harming others.

C Galen Humphrey

2017-02-03 19:28:28 UTC
2017-01-28 21:03:36 UTC
Worst. Choice. Ever.
Last Support
2017-01-26 08:23:45 UTC
A system that is abusive to the former regime and enjoyed a selfish conceit and condescension, how to please him change for the better?

she needs to be more aware
2017-01-26 06:19:18 UTC
She is entirely unqualified. It is especially ironic that a person who lives on multi-level marketing money claims to care about morals. The scope of her family's donations to Republican causes suggest a different motive for her nomination than ability.
2017-01-26 00:12:08 UTC
She apparently contributed something like $200 million to Republican candidates. This position is simply payback for that - she bought that cabinet position for which she is so spectacularly unqualified. So much for Pumpkinhead draining the swamp.
2017-01-25 17:02:29 UTC
Terrible. Just terrible.
2017-02-27 08:25:52 UTC
I don't know. I've checked everywhere except there apparently. But I like this game. Do you like to play where's my damn under where...ahhhh there it is?
2017-02-26 01:15:07 UTC
I'm going to be honest, I don't like Betsy DeVos as education Secretary. She is ignorant and she even thinks that schools need guns because of grizzly bears? Really? I'm a republican and i supported Trump more than Hillary (Still prefer Romney or McCain). I like some of Trump's cabinet picks but not Education.
2017-02-21 19:34:08 UTC
I'm surprised millions aren't out with their pitchforks.
2017-02-18 06:28:10 UTC
Public schools suck. I went to the poorest school in my city. I get that you middle class people are worried, but I want better for my community.
2017-02-16 15:04:00 UTC
she is not qualified as evidenced by the hearing performance. Strategically positioning African-American children behind her does nothing to indicate her commitment to public education. She is in this to fund charter schools . Her family has given substantial amounts to the Republican Party so perhaps she has "earned" the position. Sad.
2017-02-16 13:36:04 UTC
I think it's excellent. She is what this country needs.
Bald Bull
2017-02-15 18:40:21 UTC
CNN and Hollywood celebrities are telling me that she's bad Bad BAD!!!!! So, she must be great
Joseph hola
2017-02-15 18:05:55 UTC
She could be worse but she isn t the best.
2017-02-05 20:21:44 UTC
I think she's a good choice because she's pro-school choice, and will hopefully bring back charter schools. People like bill deblasio have been limiting them and forcing kids into failing schools, while Betsy Devos wants to end that
2017-02-05 13:54:51 UTC
Terrible choice. She can t answer when asked a simple question. That s basic stuff you learn in 1st grade. When someone asks you a question, answer it crisply and to the point.

I want the US education system to mold students, such that they are on par or better than those from the far east countries (China, Japan, Korea, etc..), so that we can take jobs back the right way (through competition), rather than imposing bans. What children need to learn from school is discipline, respect for authority, and have the knowledge to achieve things the right way (no shortcuts).

At heart, I feel that's the core to fixing all the current problems lies within our education system, because in the future, these children will be out future lawyers, doctors, engineers, politicians, and first responders and will shape american society as a whole. I want guarentee that they will fix the existing mess, and light up the road to prosperity.
2017-02-02 16:51:41 UTC
i am appalled but not surprised-- except that he certainly isn't acting like a man who wants to win re-election is he?
2017-01-31 18:38:12 UTC
She's a wrong choice. No question, about it. My aunt might be better.
2017-01-30 17:04:06 UTC
cheeky name
2017-01-29 18:13:16 UTC
She will ruin a generation of children. The education system we have now is already ****** up and shitty. We don't need her to make it any worse. Even though I agree with her about the charter schools being better than most public schools but only a percentage of them are really better. She's too inexperienced and doesn't know anything about the DOE.
2017-01-28 23:24:44 UTC
good choice
2017-01-28 13:00:16 UTC
We should essentially eliminate the Dept of Education. They have created a system where the largest portion of expenditures goes to the Administrators instead of the teachers. They should only be a measuring or comparison department not the blackmailers that withhold funds that the federal government should never been given to begin with. Schools are local and state run, not Federal.
2017-01-28 03:16:16 UTC
i think shes fat lol
2017-01-27 19:57:06 UTC
great trump is great. trump is a 6'3 stud. trump is god. i love trump. trump could do me anyday. we went from a pedophile to a real man. congrats liberals you just proved youre all twats
2017-01-27 10:52:11 UTC
she is a horrible choice. she knows nothing about education and has no experience.
2017-01-26 00:56:48 UTC
Unrepeatable here, if I want to avoid having my account suspended!!!
2017-03-01 00:50:30 UTC
i dont like it
2017-02-28 18:19:27 UTC
An excellent choice look at these kids from the inner city schools they can hardly read or write doomed to a life of illiteracy all because of the Obama educational system.
2017-02-26 14:07:50 UTC
She's weak. She's willing to do whatever it takes for her to keep her job, including the wrong things. Got that from Late Night with Stephen Colbert.
2017-02-23 03:46:36 UTC
She's unqualified...
2017-02-20 21:33:34 UTC
I think about DeVos like most of Trump pick are not qualified to run any thing in the government. Look like he chose people that are mostly CROOKS or just EVIL. Don't be surprise if she/they take all of the money they get their hand and flee the country. Other wise why would she/they want a job she/they no nothing about. She will be handling lots of money and I do not believe the schools that need it will get it. I am so AFRAID FOR OUR COUNTRY with this crazy President
2017-02-20 17:54:03 UTC


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2017-02-20 14:05:30 UTC
2017-02-19 19:40:41 UTC
2017-02-17 12:49:03 UTC
Give her chances, people! She is do gud for us! You will be seing!
Best Answer
2017-02-15 02:15:19 UTC
She is the greatest choice, a beautiful mind with class and grace to boot.
kevin s
2017-02-13 15:34:39 UTC
Maybe children in the Democrat controlled inner cities will now have a chance at an education and a chance to move out of there. Uneducated adults are easy to control I can see why progressives are against her.
Maria S
2017-02-06 11:15:15 UTC
Vouchhers are the way we will get our children out of public schools. Liberall teachers, which is all teachers at public schools, are terrible. My niece cried when Trump was elected, even though my sister, and brother in law support Trump. Her teachers told her she would be killed if Trump was elected. My friend had his social studies class give credits for working for the Hilary campaign. It needs to stop.
2017-01-29 15:21:43 UTC
If you are a 1%'er sending your kids to private school, she'll be irrelevant. If you are one of the rest of us, she will sacrifice your children's education to provide tax cuts to those who don't need them.
2017-01-29 13:54:53 UTC
Nepotism in the purest form, she appeared clueless on Education, and her 'clever' responses made her look bad, rather than side-step issues.

I very much believe that it's what Bernie Saunders suggested, her family paid big in the GOP-chest which got her this position.
2017-01-28 21:22:42 UTC
She's a lobbyist who donated lots of money and wants to funnel taxpayer money to religious schools that aren't accountable to the same standards as real schools. She doesn't even understand education. It's a win for the pro-ignorance, pro-theocracy, and pro-corruption crowds. Everyone else is going to pay for this travesty.
2017-01-28 18:36:16 UTC
Yahoo is biased against Trump just like 99% of the media
2017-01-27 12:19:34 UTC
she should be hired by altaba to fix this glitchy site
2017-01-22 19:19:59 UTC
She can't do any worse than the professionals we've had running the school system for decades.
2017-01-23 01:13:55 UTC
we shell see
2017-01-20 05:10:50 UTC
SHE has 30 years volunteer work with mentoring poor students. She will definitely do a good job from where I sit.
2017-01-20 20:18:22 UTC
Good choice.
Magic 8 Ball
2017-01-20 16:39:33 UTC
A horrible choice.
2017-01-21 14:31:56 UTC
The funny thing is, those grilling her are like, "Oh, we think your ideas suck."

Well, its not like yours are going any good. Give this new idea a chance.
2017-01-20 05:33:44 UTC
no thoughts right now because i don't know anything about her.
2017-01-21 11:20:53 UTC
Just fine, she'll do a great job.
2017-01-22 10:44:49 UTC
Not good
2017-01-19 22:43:54 UTC
She's an idiot.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.