By the end of elementary school i had over a 3.8 gpa and had gotten several awards. Well as my parents put it, my grades have been spiraling downwards every year from there. Playing basketball competitively, I did a fairly good job managing the two. 7th grade came along and my grades were in top shape. Math they moved me up a year because the school felt I wasn't being challenged enough. By the end of 7th grade I had all As and one C in math( advanced). My parents were dissapointed.8 th grade grade my grades slipped even more to a, b, and Cs. I am a very popular guy and would be gone from the house fri sat and sunday. My parents at this point just are somewhat beyond words. I decide to stop playing basketball so I can concentrate on school , so I didn't play but I could tell it hurt my dad.( 6'3" very seasoned score average of 18 high of 27. We were undefeated) it really bothered him because my grades were poop and he couldn't watch me anymore. 9th grade cones around and I end up getting Bs Ds and Fs. I'm now in tenth grade and my grade is a c average. I've been grounded from going to my friends since the beginning of this school yearcwith the exception of break and holidays. I can't play xbox at allduring the week and worst of all my parents. They told me they don't know who I am anymore. They said they wouldn't have expected this from me maybe one of my brothers but not me. Lately I've just been cutting school and over sleeping. I try to trick myself that I'm working on it but I can't find myself to do homework. I get home have a snack, fall asleep , eat dinner, facebook, tv , then fall asleep on the couch and do it all over again the next day. I know I can do it I'm brilliant but I don't know why I have no self motivation. I have no problems during school because I'm forced to take notes etc. So that works out fine. But I don't understand what is happening to me. My first year of high school is shot and now I'm working othe second as well. I'm ruining my life and I don't know what to d0. Please any ideas or answers would be greatly appreciated. Thx