should i drop out of high school?
2008-12-02 07:43:17 UTC
I've have putted thought in dropping out of high school , i hate school verything at school is stupidious like all websites at school are blocked youtube myspace. I don't even have a girlfriend or there is no girl that will fall for me or find me attractive to like me. I hate high school, should i drop out of school?
62 answers:
Rob M
2008-12-02 07:48:10 UTC
You already know the answer, I think.

You have everything to loose and nothing to gain by dropping high-school.

I know, high-school is though, and most of the time it's totally stupid. You probably feel that in the end, what matters is that piece of paper, that diploma. I always felt the same about school. But today, OMG, I would regret so much dropping high-school!

Find the courage to complete your high-school. After this, do whatever you want. ;)
2008-12-02 07:57:37 UTC
No, you should not. In the scheme of your life the few years you spend at high school are very short. While I am sure it is frustrating that all the websites are blocked the purpose is so that you will study instead of allowing yourself to become distracted. One day you will have a wife and children, how do you propose to keep the food on the table and the rent paid while your wife is recovering from child birth? I know all that seems so far away especially when you don't even have a girlfriend and it feels like you never will, but honey here is a secret NO ONE likes high school. We all felt the way you do right now at some point. But here is another secret... it really does get better. All the drama that seems so important right now... in 5 years will seem trivial, in 10 it won't matter at all and in 20 you will be giving someone else similar advice. Those movies and t.v. shows that talk about how the geeky kid is rich and the football star is fat and spent several years in jail..... well they may not be 100% accurate but they comically portray what the adults have learned. Who you are in school shapes who you will become in life. The hard road traveled prepares the traveller for life. Stick in there, do the BEST that you can do, and come back to your reunion in 20 years with a hot wife and pictures of your gorgeous children playing in the front yard of your beutifull home (with the rented Lexus in the driveway). Most poeple who drop out of school regret it, but I have NEVER heard somone say those were wasted years or Man, I wish I'd never finished school.... I know it's tough but if I could do it so can you. Also, try getting involved in some extracurricular activity, it really does help the time go by faster, it gives you something to look forward to and it bonds you to a group of people... with time you will feel more involved and may even enjoy going to school. Good Luck!
2016-05-27 19:15:18 UTC
I dropped out of high school for two reasons ... I was BORED silly (I was way too smart) and I had a dysfunctional family and I ran away from home. Please let me tell you that I am not 'uneducated' ... I do not have a high school diploma or a GED, but I have a Bachelor's of Science, a Master's of Science and a PhD in Psychology. I went to college in a state where anyone could go to a state school if they were over 21 when they applied ... Kids drop out of high school for many different reasons ... some are into gangs and doing drugs, some are bored, some get pregnant or must marry and support a pregnant girl, others just don't care, some have dysfunctional families and must run away to survive ...
2008-12-02 07:56:14 UTC
OMG! I'm so glad you asked this question. I'm in college and I have watched people drop out. Please don't do it. First off, why are you looking at myspace during school? I'm not telling you to pay attention to the teachers, most teachers are idiots and i believe them to be under qualified to my standards, and that is at every school I have ever attended. But right now you have no idea what school is worth to your future. You also have no idea how fast it will actually go by. What i did to make time go by at school was the homework from the class before, that way when i got home i wouldn't have any homework to do. It also makes class go by faster. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE, there is like a 2% chance you will meet the love of your life in high school and i say this because in the years to come your style will change, your taste will change, new parts of your brain will develop, there are so so so many things that will happen to you in the next ten years and being broke working minimum wage at 25/30 will NOT make your happy or help you find a wife. If you absolutely can't take it, get your G.E.D and start college. I could tell you all day about the benefits of finishing school...think about your future.
2008-12-02 07:51:31 UTC
Nar man y wud u go do tht for little things like tht. At end o day school blocks those sites to keep u conentrating on school work. Tht way you can get a better education and later in life ull get a gud job. and m8 gf will come in time. Girls come and go dont let it upset u, ull get girls tht will mess you about but eventually ull find the right girl, trus me theres a lot more stress when u got a girlfriend too lol Keep focussed on education a girl doesnt want to be the provider most times and if u drop out of school best u can do is get a job cleaning toilets and then ull find it even harder to get a gf ;)
2008-12-02 07:58:43 UTC
Well for your case no. As weird as this sounds I dropped out of high school because I wanted to further my education in art and photography. My high school kept holding me back because I have ADD and they gotten extra funding for wasting my life in high school.

Your problem is that you refuse to submit. Which can be a good thing or bad thing but it can also lead to your personal downfall if you do not take the right steps to what you really want to do with your life.

Not having a girlfriend is nothing important. I spent my wholeh igh school days single never went to prom, or any dances. No one would take me out because I was to weird. But in time you will find love. Just because the girls at school don't like you doesn't mean that a different girl in a different school or out of school won't like you.

Just be more positive mate. You will survive. High school after being out for so long was big help to help me understand the stuff i choose to learn for my job.

Not all high school drop outs are worthless and homeless. I own my own business.

Trust me high school might do you some good.
2008-12-02 07:49:08 UTC
Why drop out? Do you want to be a pick-pocket or something when you grow up? If you drop out now you will get no job and your life will have no meaning. And why go to Youtube and Myspace at school? Do it at home! You learn in school, not have fun all the time! A quick answer is NO.
2008-12-02 07:54:35 UTC
Of course you shouldn't drop out of high school. I can tell just by your question that you need to spend a little more time in english class as well as Grammar studies.

"I've have" for example if redundant. "I've" means "I have", you've ( you have) just abbreviated it. Not to mention that school isn't meant for you to be on Youtube and Myspace. It's meant for you to learn. What grade are you in anyways? Do you expect to live with your parents the rest of your life worrying about whether a girl likes you or not? Or that you don't have any friends. Trust me, stay in school, better yourself, get a great job and live better then the rest of the people at your school. The best revenge in life is Living better then person or people who have done you wrong.

2008-12-02 07:52:56 UTC
The answer is no. I am dating a guy who droppped out and have for 3 years. He has nothing to offer me and I have had to find that out the hard way.

I am still going to college and I am 23 yrs old. I hate every min. of it, but withthe way out ecomony is going you need a paper to back you up and get paid.

Research shows that those with a degree make more money than those without. That includes a high school degree and not a GED!

Go to school, suck it up and wait for the big pay off!!!

If you really dislike school and would like to speed up the process I recommend an alternative at your own pace school to complete your high school years. I did it and graduated 1 1/2 yrs early and entered college at 17.
2008-12-02 07:47:29 UTC
Absolutely not! School is not for youtube and myspace. Do that crap at home. You need to pay attention in school as a lot of it you will use when you get older. You will totally regret dropping out of school when you cant get a job and have a family to support. Think about your future instead of thinking about myspace. That will not get you anywhere in life. Also, no women want a man that dropped out of highschool and have a shitty job.
2008-12-02 07:50:04 UTC
The point of school is to get an education, not to browse the internet or have a girlfriend! While these things can certainly add to your experience, it's not why you're there. If you drop out, do you think not having the education will help you find love? Concentrate on your school work, think about college--they don't restrict websites, and you'll meet a ton of new people; possibly even a girl!
2008-12-02 07:49:21 UTC
Okay, I know that you probably already know this, but I am going to say it anyway. School is not about websites, youtube, girlfriends, and people thinking you are attractive. School is about getting a good education so that you can amount to something in life. Think about this, if you drop out of school now and turn out to be very attractive when you are older, i don't think that your looks are going to help you out when you go to get a nice, good paying job. Don't drop out of school, school is the building block of your future :)
2008-12-02 08:00:31 UTC
NO! You should continue to fulfil your education. You'll do fine.

It's against the school code of conduct to go onto websites such as Facebook, youtube, myspace, blah blah blah, while going to school, because going onto these websites is apart of goofing off and looking at inappropriate things (videos and pictures of sex, violence, dirty ****, etc.). The school just blocks the websites so that students cannot go on them.

Their job is to stay on task.

Speaking of finding a girlfriend, I am a postgraduate at my high school, which means that I am taking a 5th year of high school after graduation. I am still in my 5th year and I'm still single. I tried to find one myself, and therefore get to know whoever I am interested in as a possible girlfriend / date. It seemed that the girls were essentially more at home with their boyfriends or other important idiosyncracies. There is one lesson you need to learn.

"You can't hurry love! You'll just have to wait! Love don't come easy, no matter how long it takes!"

That means that not everybody has a girlfriend / boyfriend, and for your consideration, that truly doesn't mean that everybody must find one FAST. There are men and women out there who are still single.

You can still talk to some girls you are interested in, but you cannot make one your girlfriend. So don't feel regretful or upset if you don't have someone to love. You can't hurry love! That's the message to people who want to find true love. Love just comes at random moments. Sometimes you'll have to wait until you're grown-up to find someone you want to love in life.

Don't make this a big thing! You'll be fine! I strongly disagree on dropping out of high school. Just continue to fulfil your education and try doing some other good things. Finding a girlfriend or sex partner would just be an epitome getting fixated on minor detail, which I recommend you shouldn't do. You can't persevere on certain things you want in life. If you did, you would be in a spoiled disposition.

Don't worry about this! You'll do fine the more you continue on with your high school years. Try not to hate it! Sometimes in order to face your challenges, you just gotta start to like it / love it a little.

If you have anything to say about this, please feel free to email me.

My username BuffaloBill1989 allows email. So you can email me if you have a reflection on what I told you today.

Thank you and Good luck!

2008-12-02 07:47:32 UTC
That sounds like the most retarded reason to drop out of school just because you can't look at certain websites during school hours and a girl won't date you. You think a girl is going to date a high school drop out that will work at McDonalds the rest of their life? Hell no. If you hate regular school that much switch to alternative where you only go like a few times a week and its usually for only 4 hours instead of 8. Most community colleges offer alternative school where you can still graduate with a diploma with your regular class in some cases. Just go talk to your guidance counseler and ask her for these options.
2008-12-02 07:55:10 UTC
Never. Start looking at your life five years from now. Where would you like to be. Finishing High School is the beginning of those plans. I know High School can be tough. All of us have been through it. Could be you are one of those creative people that school does not agree with easily. Please tough it out and find the teachers you like and like you and reach out to them. Get involved with helping others and you will find yourself. High School is a place of mixed memories for many people. You are not alone. Hey, I think you will meet someone special to love because it is a desire of yours. The timing is the tough part. Pray for them because somewhere that person is yearning for you as well. You may be walking in each others shadows and not even aware of it. If you get busy with life the time will pass faster. I wish you well. Hang in there. Life is full of difficult times but, we can laugh and love along the way. Blessings.
2008-12-02 07:49:04 UTC
No Mark, You won't drop out of school because you know something, you are not a loser, you are something, you are a human, and human are not sand or insects or stones that have no purpose of existence. It is ok if no girl is falling for you, always remember that looks are always deceiving, and i am sure that you are a very nice person from inside, wait for the girl who will be able to see the mark that is inside of you and then she will be the best friend you have ever wished for in life. Why just freak out if the websites are blocked, keep yourself busy in your studies, disappear into your books, make a nice career man. Don't be a loser. You just look at your name, MARK, it means a destination, it means a point that everyone seeks. Please don't drop out. Best of luck bro.
2008-12-02 07:49:06 UTC
There's more to life than girls and myspace.

Education is important, and I know to you that sounds like something any other grownup might say, but I'm not a grownup, I'm just 18, and I know that you'll regret it.

I dropped out because of more serious reasons than myspace and boys, I dropped out because my homelife was unstable and I couldn't make it to school enough for it to be worth my time. I figured I'd get a job and move out and go back to school eventually, and it nearly ruined my life.

Just stay in school. You'll seriously regret it otherwise.
2008-12-02 07:57:18 UTC
Well I dropped out this year, did my JC in june. I hoped to get a job but they're hard to come by now... I had a really rough time in school (bullying etc.) so I had to drop out but I never would have otherwise. I never had a bf either and all websites were blocked aswell! I hated school aswell.... but now I'll prob have to go back to a different school next year which is not easy especially when your shy! I say get your GCSE/JC done at least... then if things are still really tough, then drop out but if you can stick it AT ALL try finish it out! Its easier to drop out than drop back in! If you want/need to talk my e-mail is

Hope it works out! =D
shy girl
2008-12-02 07:53:55 UTC
No don't drop out. You need to think of your future. I've known people that have dropped out of high school and regretted it. Stay in school and graduate. Plus it's a lot harder getting a job without a high school degree. Good luck!
2008-12-02 07:54:24 UTC
Yes Go ahead and drop out. If you do Drop Out Look in to the Job Corps Program(USA Only). This program is for students that want a better life and high school was not just for them. I am a ex Job Corps Student. When I enter Job Corps I was doing drougs and drop out of high school. I was not doing anything with my life. I knew I wanted more with my life and someone told me about Job Corps. I looked into it and it did not sound 1/2 bad. one year latter I am livving on my own with no help from any one and working a job making $18.50 an hour. I only been working there for 2 months now and doing well in the next 3 Years I will be making about $22.00 an hour. My life is well and I owe it all to Job Corps.

A Little About Job Corps From Wikipedia

"Job Corps is a no-cost education and vocational training program administered by the Office of the United States Secretary of the Department of Labor. It serves youth, ages 16 through 24. Job Corps offers career planning, on-the-job training, job placement, residential housing, food service, driver's education, health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance and clothing allowance. Some centers offer childcare programs for single parents as well.[1] Esther R. Johnson was appointed national director of the Office of Job Corps on March 24, 2006.[2]

Since its inception in 1964, under the Economic Opportunity Act, Job Corps has provided more than two million[citation needed] young people with the integrated academic, vocational, and social skills training they need to gain independence and get quality, long-term jobs or further their education. Job Corps continues to help 60,000 youths annually at 123 Job Corps and Civilian Conservation Centers throughout the country.[3]

Besides vocational training, all Job Corps centers also offer GED programs as well as high school diplomas and programs to get students into college. Job Corps provides career counseling and transition support to its students for up to one year after they graduate from the program."
2008-12-02 07:49:07 UTC
You have a low self esteem.

What are you going to do with your life after highschool? Work dead end jobs the rest of your life? drive a beat up crappy car cause you can't afford anything else? live in a crappy apartment?

You need an education. Getting a college degree will allow you to have an awsome job and be able to live in a nice house and drive a nice car. (depending on what you want to do for a career)
Giggle Giggle!!!
2008-12-02 07:49:28 UTC

Dropping out is a very bad idea you need your education! Just look at your spelling!!! Seriously with the economy as it is its best to get your education.

If a store is hiring who would they choose? High School drop out or educated responsible person?

You cant expect someone to take care of you for your whole life.
2008-12-02 07:48:57 UTC
Absolutely not!!! just because your favorite web sites are blocked or you do not have a girlfriend are not good reasons to drop out of school. Why would you even consider dropping out of school for that reason. How do you plan to support yourself when you drop out
2008-12-02 07:48:00 UTC
high school is not abt going there and browsing the net or getting girlfriends..., plus u wont find better ones if u drop out

how abt getting some education and assure a better and successful life and the future.. and then when u finish school go out with as many girls as u want
2008-12-02 08:57:57 UTC
Sounds like regular high school may not be for you. Surely there is an alternative HS in your district. Talk to a guidance counselor for help finding the right placement for you. Also, examine your priorities. You are young, but that is no excuse to completely abdicate responsibility for yourself. Please get some help!
2008-12-02 07:48:48 UTC
Right now you need to think where you will be 10 years from now...

Will you be living in your parent's house with no life??

Or will you be succesful and living on your own??

Skipping High School is a HUGE DECISION that will change your life.....and not for the better.
2008-12-02 07:58:59 UTC
No stick it out a while longer. It will be well worth it to have a diploma when you try to get a job. And four years out of your life it such a small chunk of time for something so important.
2008-12-02 07:47:54 UTC
if you drop out of school then in a couple of years you cant get a job because youve got no grades , then the girls wont like you when they know your on the dole lol.. so i'd stay and put up with it.
2008-12-02 07:52:50 UTC
no no no! most of us have had bad moments, but it all fades away as you reach higher grades. you'll get to understand your emotions and ambitions better and realise what a great chance you have.

when it come to gals, start loving yourself first before expecting that from others. Involve yourself into activities to keep your mind from boredom...remember true happiness comes from within you, it starts there! if you believe in God, Start praying! all the best.
Simple S
2008-12-02 07:48:00 UTC
Suck it up and stay in school. It will be alot worse if you drop out. Don't be a Dummy.... And stop worrying about girls right now.
Mr. Right
2008-12-02 07:49:03 UTC
Oh yeah, dropping out of high school will help you get a girl. They like guys who aren't educated and can only get low paying, crappy jobs.
2008-12-02 07:49:32 UTC
Not unless you want to end up being screwed over in every job you have just because you don't have that piece of paper
2008-12-02 07:47:34 UTC
No. Judging from your question, you are nowhere near ready to get out of school. You need a lot of help especially in English. Stick it out and you won't be sorry.
2008-12-02 07:47:21 UTC
You shouldn't drop out for those reasons, but if it's for academic reasons you need to talk to your teachers about it and they can find you an alternative way to get your education.
2008-12-02 07:46:31 UTC
no do not drop out cus then later on life you will regret it. and sweety. you dont go to school to go on those kind of websites. you go to learn. what would you like to be when you grow up?
2008-12-02 07:53:45 UTC
Yes. We need more people living off of our taxes, and sucking our system dry. Girls also love losers that don't have jobs, houses, money, or motivation.
Kendra Z
2008-12-02 07:47:26 UTC
If you want to be dumb and stupid, sure do it. A GED is a (good enough degree) and most employers think that a GED is for quitters and people that could not hack high school.
Amanda W
2008-12-02 08:41:47 UTC
No, sounds like you need all the help you can get. Talk to your counselor, get involved in some clubs, and don't give up now!!!!
2008-12-02 08:03:04 UTC
Yes....flipping burgers is a great way to travel the world and meet new people.....or you could enter the exciting world of trash collection!!!....YOU GO!
2008-12-02 07:47:48 UTC
NO!!! i don't know wheather this applies in america but if your don't do your exams you will have no qualifications meaning you will never be able to get a decent job meaning you will be poor!!!
Double A
2008-12-02 07:48:12 UTC
I know high school is annoying and a bit harsh but it has some good things ............... so NO i think u should not quit high school.
2008-12-02 07:46:56 UTC
Yes. You should. It will ensure that you get a very good position at McDonald's when you do. It's definitely worth it.
2008-12-03 21:24:40 UTC
yes and when u do make sure u buy a game called World of Warcraft
2008-12-02 13:46:18 UTC
go ahead drop out the maximum money you will make its $6.55/hour or you can study get good grades go to collage school is stupid? are you dumb*** its interesting but your just lazy
2008-12-02 07:46:54 UTC
so you hate your school because it blocks you from surfing the web while you're in class, and because you aren't finding chicks there...

doesn't sound too compelling.. try staying it out...
Darryl P
2008-12-02 07:52:31 UTC
Maybe u should join the military because it sounds like u lost your balls.
2008-12-02 09:45:04 UTC

go to school and get you education so that you would be successful in life.
2008-12-02 09:32:53 UTC
NO (based on the fact you put, I've have putted)
2008-12-02 07:46:53 UTC
Sounds like a good idea. I'm sure you will get pretty far without it.
2008-12-02 07:48:45 UTC
everyone says no but there are so many success stories. if your motivated to do something different you should sucseed
2008-12-02 07:47:42 UTC
Look at your grammar and spelling!

2008-12-02 08:02:19 UTC
2008-12-02 07:47:05 UTC
If you really want......but I wouldn't advise you will probably regret it when your older!
2008-12-02 07:47:16 UTC
Sure loser, all the cool kids are doing it!
Aran C
2008-12-02 07:47:27 UTC
2008-12-02 07:46:17 UTC
Mommy to 2 beautiful boys!
2008-12-02 07:47:17 UTC
no no noey no no.
2008-12-02 07:47:33 UTC
Hell no.
2008-12-02 07:46:05 UTC
2008-12-02 07:47:09 UTC
2008-12-02 07:46:47 UTC
NEVER !!!!
2008-12-02 07:47:08 UTC
no dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that would be very stupid

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.