It's OK. but you can have room for improvements.
If you already have Cs and B-s, for sure you can not be on the honor roll, unless in your class, this is the highest grade for all the kids.
Don't worry about it. You probably had too much play than study. You still have a lot to go through - 7th, 8th, and highschool and college.....You will be somebody someday, if you really want to. You will find something that you will really excel from and that will be the time that you will wonder - you are better like anyone else.
Some people are not good on tests, or recitations, or on objectives, but very good in common sense or common knowledge. Some people's way of thinking change also when they become adult and understand better than when they were young - you just have to be observant all your life. I think you are very observant now, because you are asking this question. You are responsible person when you grow up - right now, you don't know how to do it but you have wonders, so you are OK. Keep doing it. I think you will be better in Management, Sales, Marketing, Law....Accounting is a bit questionable. Business and management, Criminal Defense is also a possibility. Happy Now?