Is my report card good or bad? 6th grade; first term?
2007-11-28 18:10:45 UTC
English Language Arts:B
Social Studies:B
Personal planning:A
And some other stuff I forgot. QUESTION: IS IT TRUE THAT A C+ IS BETTER THAN A C AND C-? AND Is my report card good or bad for the first term in 6th grade?
65 answers:
2007-11-28 18:13:15 UTC
really good well done, and the other stuff your saying is all right
2007-11-28 18:14:04 UTC
That's a really good report card for first semester 6th grade. C+ is technically better than C or C- but when colleges look at that kind of stuff they don't really care what comes after the letter (wheter it's plus or minus or nothing) they just look at the letter. So to them an A+ is the same as an A-. But colleges don't look at 6th grade, so relax and have fun!
2007-11-28 18:37:28 UTC
Depends on what YOU want to accomplish. Remember though that a B is average and that A's are for overachievers that no one really likes. And yes a C+ is better than a C and C-. C+means 78%-80%, C is 73%-77%, and C- is 70%-72%. By the way, nice job in art! If you enjoy something and do good in it even if it isn't considered "intellectual" if you want to do something do it and don't let others tell you differently, as yes that is a pretty decent report card you've got.
~~heavenly sent by god~~
2007-11-28 18:17:53 UTC

your report card is not too bad well maybe compared to mine. But overall if you saw people in my school yours is a dream come true. So don't worry too much just pull that C+ up and yes C+ is better than a C and a C- so calm down. It is pretty close to a B+. You are going to be fine. And i am in the 8th grade and trust me 6th grade was tough many of my peers stayed back. But i didn't i made it though

good luck

but you don't need it you will be fine

but keep the luck in your pocket right next to you

hope i helped

2007-11-28 18:16:00 UTC
that's very good. C+ is better. Just means study a little harder to reach that B and study a little more to get to that A that you are getting in almost every other class.

This is a very good report card. Why are you asking? Are your parents,etc being hard on you?

LOL What do you do in Personal Planning? I didn't even take that in high school. Sounds like a good course though if it's starting in 6th grade.

But keep up the good work!!!
2007-11-28 18:16:15 UTC
in my opinion the As and Bs are great

but even if it is you first term in 6th grade

thats C is really bringing you down

even if it is your first term tahts no excuse

besides 6th grade is pretty easy

wait til you start taking physics and chemistry!

you caant use it being your first term as an excuse for grades thats no way to go in life

besides the C its pretty good

but id say try to work harder in science

and yeah a C+ is a high C like a 79 or 77 a C is liek a 75 and C- is 73 or 72
2007-11-28 18:15:55 UTC
Its not a bad report card at all. Its a pretty good one. Keep working on it in the science part. Yes its true that a c+ is better than a c and c-.
2007-11-28 18:14:25 UTC
You need to work a little harder to make those B's into A's. But don't worry, 6th grade doesn't count for anything later on in life. And since this is probably your first semester of middle school, you are just getting used to the structure of school. Give yourself time, and as long as you are putting some effort into it, those grades will come up automatically.
2007-11-28 18:14:20 UTC
Sounds Like Me Your Doing Fine Me Personally Im A Jock And Im Kinda Dumb Im 6th Grade Too
2007-11-28 18:13:21 UTC

It's OK. but you can have room for improvements.

If you already have Cs and B-s, for sure you can not be on the honor roll, unless in your class, this is the highest grade for all the kids.

Don't worry about it. You probably had too much play than study. You still have a lot to go through - 7th, 8th, and highschool and college.....You will be somebody someday, if you really want to. You will find something that you will really excel from and that will be the time that you will wonder - you are better like anyone else.

Some people are not good on tests, or recitations, or on objectives, but very good in common sense or common knowledge. Some people's way of thinking change also when they become adult and understand better than when they were young - you just have to be observant all your life. I think you are very observant now, because you are asking this question. You are responsible person when you grow up - right now, you don't know how to do it but you have wonders, so you are OK. Keep doing it. I think you will be better in Management, Sales, Marketing, Law....Accounting is a bit questionable. Business and management, Criminal Defense is also a possibility. Happy Now?
2007-11-28 18:15:48 UTC
Your report card is's not bad, but it is not straight A's either. And you are correct, a C+ is better than a C and a C-. Considering you just started 6th grade, I would be proud of your grades :)
2007-11-28 18:15:21 UTC
To be honest, yes a C+ is better than another C and C-. You really need to get that Science grade up, work hard next term and you can bring up your overall GPA higher- it won't reflect so much on that C you are getting in this term if you work hard. Don't let the other B grades get lower and your good to go.
Second Son
2007-11-28 18:14:57 UTC
i think a c+ is better than a c and a c- because a c+ is and 85 close to a b which is good. also the report card is good for the first term. my son has about the same grades and im still happy with him. so im happy with your grades!
knitting queen
2007-11-28 18:15:17 UTC
Your report card is not "bad." How does it compare to your grades in 5th grade? Yes, a C plus (+) indicates that you are close to a B grade and it should be easy to improve that grade--you might concentrate there! You might want to ask yourself if you did the best you could in each subject. If you completed all your assignments and submitted them on time, and if you did the best you could in each subject, then your report card is good!
2007-11-28 18:16:16 UTC
Be proud !!! That's a great report card. Yes a C+ is better than a C cause it's closer to a B grade. As long as no D's' or F's' on your report card you doing great!!!
2007-11-28 18:14:10 UTC
Yes C+ means like a 78 or 79

it's better than C or C- at 75 or 70

as for your scond question

your grades arent bad or good

their just ok

Your grades just mean u need to work harder to get better

your off to an ok start
2007-11-28 18:14:10 UTC
If your parents are understanding about it, it's okay, but I would really try to do better in second term.

It's only grade 6, what's really important is 9th grade and high school, but I'm not saying you shouldn't try your best.

Trust me, I didn't do my best in grade 6 and I really regret it right now.

And yes, a C+ is better than a C and a C-.
2007-11-28 18:16:06 UTC
Yes, a C+ is better than a C or C-

How "good" or "bad" your grades really depends on what your expectations are, but you should try to bring that Science grade up. A's and B's are normally considered "good" grades.
2007-11-28 18:15:34 UTC
yes a c+ is higher,

im in highschool right now, and i say that those grades are really good. However, i find that in middle school, as you get into the transaction of 6th-7th, it is the same but the transaction to 7th-8th gets very complicated, especially history, which you will start in 8th(replacing social studies)

Good luck for the rest of middle school
2007-11-28 18:16:41 UTC
Little dude, come on its is OK, however, I am not your standard person to ask, I do not put food in you stomach, a roof over your head, clothing on you body, what I think may not stand up too your family standards, but if it was up to me?

I would ask you, "what kinds of grades do you want?"

The whole thing about getting good grades is to make sure you have a decent understanding about the coarse you are taking.

be easy U
2007-11-28 18:16:10 UTC
Pretty good, but you need to find out why you got the C+ in science.

In my house you would have gotten $20 for each A, $15 for each A-, and 10 for each B+. I don't play for B's and below.
2007-11-28 18:15:27 UTC
Your report card is quite good. You have done reasonably well. Congratuations! About your other question, yes, a C+ is better than C & C-.
2016-10-25 08:24:17 UTC
search for suggestion out of your instructors and perchance they could grant you with to redo those assignments or another extra credit assignments. perchance the instructions are basically to puzzling for you. even as i changed into absent i could oftentimes basically redo those assignments. perchance in case you had ignored some assignments you are able to do them. on your parents basically teach the record card even as they're in an outstanding mood. search for suggestion from them perchance they can clarify some belongings you do not realize in any matters. don't be lazy....learn....learn and learn then you receives solid grades.
2007-11-28 18:14:34 UTC
ehh its pretty good and yea c+ is better then c or c - but yea just try to get that c up and its pretty good i know that in 6th grade science was pretty hard well the tests were so i can see that and yea thats good just keep on trying your best :)
2007-11-28 18:13:27 UTC
Yes to me thats a good report card :]
2007-11-28 18:14:05 UTC
depends on the parents i am a b average student and i got all a s in 6th grade
2007-11-29 06:13:52 UTC
You have a good report card but it could also be better.

A C+ is better than a C or a C-
2007-11-28 18:19:07 UTC
That's an okay report card..........for a highschooler.

it's 6th grade.

it's not that hard.

but yeah a + is better than a regular C or C-.

get your grades up!
2007-11-28 18:14:31 UTC
Its REALLY godd! heres the order going from good to bad!














You cant get and lower than an F!! So yea A C+ is better than a C and a C-! You get really good grades if you were my kid I would be proud of you!!
2007-11-28 18:13:55 UTC
ok if your in canada the truth is they you dont need good marks in grades 1-10... in grd 11 and 12 and on you need to do your best. the only reason for trying now is to get into the habit so its not a big jump but it wasnt for me.. so thats a secret... i dont know if its the same in USA but here in canada i did that
2007-11-28 18:14:23 UTC
yea a C+ is better than a c or c-. For me that report card is really good . i used to fail my science classes... UH ur so lucky
Jack S
2007-11-28 18:15:06 UTC
those are pretty decent grades. Yes a C+ is better than a C and C-
t m
2007-11-28 18:17:29 UTC
seems pretty good, i would work on that c+ in science

, it is better than a C but a B is better than a c+ so work for B's,

A B honor roll is a Good feeling, and can make you try even harder...

good job, take care
2007-11-28 18:14:11 UTC
i think its pretty good =]

i got all As and Bs in 6th grade, but im one of them smarty-pants students, so0o0 lol

and yes, a C+ is better than a C and a C-
2007-11-28 18:13:46 UTC
As I recall, I learned what - and + was in about the 3rd or 4th it true the sun sets in the west?? duh

What the heck is personal planning? You actually get an A for that?? Sounds like grade inflation to you get 50 points for writing your name too? Overall a nice report card though...will keep you off restriction anyway.
2007-11-28 18:15:26 UTC
well overall your grades are good, that c+ can b better(and yes c+ is higher , c is in the middle and c- is the lowest) to make myself feel better i sometimes say my c+ is just another name for a b-
2007-11-28 18:14:02 UTC
yes a c+ is better than a c or c-. it is ok. my 1st term report card was mostly A-.
♪♫♪ music is my Everithng! :)♫♪♫
2007-11-28 18:14:43 UTC
2007-11-28 18:14:22 UTC
its pretty good-your passing

but the techers tend to grade easy the first term so

mabey you should try harder

no offence
2007-11-28 19:33:27 UTC
no it doesnt really matter if it is c or c- they are both good, and i think ur report card is really good. great job. Keep up the good work.
2007-11-28 18:13:14 UTC
its really good, a C is better than an F, and an F is better than a 0
2007-11-28 18:14:01 UTC
well, for me that wouldn't be good because i've had straight As since kindergarten, but from seeing my friends report cards, ya it looks pretty good to me
Desi 45
2007-11-28 18:13:49 UTC
ummm well its an ok report card u could do better and a c+ is still a c so no
2007-11-28 18:14:36 UTC
yea thats pretty good. yes a C+ is better than a c and a c-
2007-11-28 18:18:28 UTC
im in 7th grade and i got all a's when i was in 6th grade its easy
Scott Q
2007-11-28 18:13:32 UTC
umm, its good. you're passing all classes. and yes, a C+ is better than a C or C-. any letter with a + is better than one with none or a -

hope that helps!
2007-11-28 18:15:01 UTC
C+ is better then C and C-

you rate urself- set ur own goals. if u tried ur hardest thats good. and u passed.
2007-11-28 18:17:23 UTC
GREAT JOB! Keep working on Science to pull that grade up! You can do it!!!!
2007-11-28 18:13:45 UTC
i guess so its average but u should get better grades in science

yea a c+ is better than a c/c-
2007-11-28 18:13:44 UTC
Bad. No offense, but you want to be prepared for high school. It's a lot harder, and if you're planning on going to college you shoul dkick it up a notch, because grades like that will get you nowhere.
2007-11-28 18:14:58 UTC
If you're not getting straight A's in middle school you're not doing well enough!!! School just gets harder so you have nowhere to go!!!
elizabeth s
2007-11-28 18:13:51 UTC
i have no clue what ur question was but yeah ur report card aint bad
2007-11-28 18:14:49 UTC
It's fair by my standards I do not allow a " c" in my household
2007-11-28 18:13:20 UTC
6th grade is so easy u shud at least get all A's and maybe 2 B's
2007-11-28 18:13:40 UTC
that is sooo freaking good!! trust me. wait till you get into highschool.
old bitty
2007-11-28 18:13:54 UTC
it looks like you are fairly smart, which makes me wonder how you didn't figure it out yourself.
2007-11-28 18:13:23 UTC
yea its OK but u should raise that C to a B
2007-11-28 18:13:29 UTC
bad a c+ that ave. if u go to a pubilc good privite bad
2007-11-28 19:29:39 UTC
ya! pretty good! not to brag but....i got straight A's! YAY ME!
2007-11-28 18:13:52 UTC
no a ''C'' is just cool.....

yes your reprt card was pretty good..
2007-11-28 18:13:41 UTC
thats really good
2007-11-28 18:13:40 UTC
Bad. You should try to get all A's and no more than 1 B. NO C's!!!
Velvet Revolver
2007-11-28 18:13:44 UTC
its pretty good and a c- and a c+ are the same
2007-11-28 18:15:19 UTC
that's pretty gud for a average person. but for me.......! my mother would kill me for those b's, and those c's.......
a Rose with no other name.
2007-11-28 18:13:47 UTC
its pretty average.

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