pritty girls
2008-11-23 06:10:08 UTC
I believe, the national curriculum is a framework and sets out the subjects taught, the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject, standards targets in each subjects and teachers can use child’s progress and plan the next steps in their learning and how the child’s progress is assessed and reported.
I have seen in my class, how the class teacher and children are followed the national curriculum about their subjects:
In English, children should be given the opportunity to speak, write and listen in a range of situations and children encouraged to communicate their likes, dislikes, feelings and emotions about them and also children should be encouraged to use symbols and make expressive movements with the hands and arms to through the use of PECS.
In mathematics, children are using numbers, shape, cube and measure and some below average children are using PECS method it’s can enable children to access mathematical activities and increase their mathematical vocabulary. Children will have the opportunity to experience of communicating and handling information about their ICT levels. children encouraged to their P.E about football, dance, gymnastics and swimming activities and also the class teacher and children are playing together in P.E time.
Schools also have to teach religious education, children should be given the opportunity to participate in a collective act of worship about religious celebration which is usually takes place in the school hall.
Overall, every children on going assessment about their termly IEP progress and also class teachers have kept Sample of children works and parents received the national curriculum levels and a statement forms part of the annual review report about children IEP goals and also children received regular speech therapy assessments.
Next time, I will improve to children their understanding levels and their knowledge of subjects related to national curriculum and then I will be more confident in working with them.