Riding the bus - question for high schoolers/parents/whoever?
Luna Maya
2007-08-13 19:57:59 UTC
My 11 yr old niece will be riding the bus for the first time ever. She will be in 6th grade. She is very shy and just painfully easily intimidated, etc. but very very sweet. Her parents (and me!) are nervous that since her bus will have high-schoolers on it, what if some of the guys or girls mess with her, or try to intimidate her, or just pick on her. She's pretty good about standing up for herself with her own age, but this idiot school system has middle schoolers and high schoolers on the same bus - so a little 6th grader rides with all the way up to 12th graders. Any advice???
57 answers:
2007-08-13 20:00:32 UTC
Tell her to try to pick a spot in the front, next to the driver.

That way, she will have no problem from the high schoolers
2007-08-13 20:04:47 UTC
There won't be very many twelfth graders on the bus or even juniors or sophomores. If there are, they're not going to be the type to pick on your neice because they are losers without cars or friends. I know that sounds mean, but it's true. I'm in high school and I don't know any juniors or seniors that ride the bus. I'm pretty sure she'll be ok and the high schoolers and middle schoolers will probably segregate themselves. Also, as a bus rider from kindergarten through ninth grade, I must say that the bus drivers really do keep a pretty good eye on everything that's going on. If you're really worried, on the first day of school you or your neices parents can go talk to the bus driver although it would probably embarass her. Hope this helps.
Shy Girls Win
2007-08-13 20:06:18 UTC
Well first of all, most high schoolers are already at driving age and usually drive themselves to school so she wont see too many of the upperclassmen. However, occasionally there will be someone older who might pick on her a little bit, especially since she's young. Tell your niece not to take the older students seriously and stick with the people her own age. She can make friends that way, that's what I did and I myself am a bit shy. Sometimes the older kids tend to sit farther back in the bus so the front is usually the safest place for someone like her. Tell your niece good luck and to enjoy her first ride on the bus!
2007-08-13 20:09:54 UTC
I understand your concern. School buses are terrible.

It would be helpful if she is at the bus stop with a buddy and can sit with that person each day. However, sooner or later that kid is going to miss a day, and your niece has to be able to hold her own.

All I can tell you is that it helps if an adult is there when she gets home each day so that the adult can see if she is upset when she gets off the bus. Keep the lines of communication open so that she will tell you if she is frightened or being bullied.

Do not hesitate to go see the principal if there is a problem. Get as many facts as you can and go see (I think it's better than calling) the principal. If a disturbing event happens two times (same bully), insist that the school take action. In most school districts they are required to suspend bus privileges of trouble makers. I suggest you ask the school board or vice-principal NOW just what the bus rules are and how they enforce them. Know your (and your niece's) rights now -- it sounds bizarre to have to investigate this ahead of time, but your niece's safety may be at stake, and it never hurts to know the system.
2007-08-13 20:16:22 UTC
This brings back memories... actually it was embarrassing on my part when my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles (you get the picture) were all worried about me riding on the bus for the first time with older kids - and yeah, I was shy, but no pushover. Boy, did they make a fuss - to the point of speaking to the bus driver (my Mom and Grandma) in front of all the kids... and I just wished the earth would open up and swallow me up!

My advice- have faith in your niece. She sounds like she's no pushover and won't let anyone make her the but of jokes. Why not talk to her about your apprehensions, and see if she has any. More likely, you'll have more than she does. Encourage her to be open to you guys should there be any bullying. Tell her its okay to be a little scared, but it'll pass and you guys are behind her, always, no matter what.

Remember, even little birds need to get out of the nest to learn how to fly. Even if we want to protect those we love from all the bad things the world will be throwing at them, all we can do is be there to encourage them to grow and be stronger until that day.
2016-05-17 11:21:54 UTC
Why? It's a legitimate means of transportation that your parents' taxes paid for. If your friends are driving to high school when they have buses available, they are wasting money, wasting gas, and putting unneeded wear and tear on the car. This is definitely not green. In the suburbs this is common behavior, but if all of you lived in the city transportation by bus to just about anywhere you want to go would be the norm. If you lived in a rural area as I did, using the school bus is also the norm. Adults ride buses all the time. Why should a high school senior, who is soon to become a very tiny fish in a very big ocean, think he/she is above it?
2007-08-13 21:55:40 UTC
Our school is that way. And it really isn't that bad. I'd advise her to sit up near the front and mind her own bussiness. Also, she needs to mind her own bussiness. She should just sit on the buss and talk to a friend the whole time without getting caught up in the weird things that kids will say. The high schoolers won't mess with you unless you sit in seats that are in the back (usually the bus driver will tell the middle schoolers not to sit in the last few rows of seats) She'll get through it.
2007-08-13 20:06:19 UTC
Most buses now have a bus monitor, in addition to a bus driver. I was nervous about my 6 year old on the bus, too, but the monitor actually helps break up fights, ect. The kids aren't even allowed to do homework on the bus!!

Last year, a child was going to tell my son something inappropriate, and the monitor caught it just in time and had him moved to another seat.

I was riding the a.m. bus with high schoolers in first, second, fourth grade and up to go to school early, and I never had a problem with anyone.
2007-08-13 20:02:41 UTC
Does she have any friends in the neighborhood she can ride on the bus with? Its always nice to have a friend on the bus. Usually most upper-classmen think of themselves to be too important to talk or bug younger kids. So, she probably wont be picked on by the high schoolers. Have her try sitting near the front of the bus, that way the bus driver will see the trouble better when it occurs.
2007-08-13 20:06:27 UTC
I have never ridden the bus, so I don't have anything to say from experience, but bullies in general LOVE attacking people who act either insecure or shy or any way portraying that they are afraid. Your niece should get on the bus with someone if possible so she can sit with them so there's none of that panic that a kid can have when they are desperately looking for someone to sit with. Also bullies probably would pick on a loner and not so much with someone who is with another person or two. And also let her know she can tell a teacher or the bus driver if there is any dangerous or escalating teasing going on.
2007-08-13 20:06:03 UTC
As a parent and former teacher, I am also concerned for her. Why on earth do they have sixth graders riding with high school kids. I would petition the school board. I would consider bringing her to school and picking her up.

On the bus, the bus driver is responsible, but what if someone picks on her while she is waiting for the bus or walking home after getting of the bus. If she has to ride the bus, you should ensure that she is not waiting without a friend or family member and that someone is also waking home with her.

I do not like that at all!!!!
2007-08-13 20:19:07 UTC
I understand your concern. Unfortunately kids grow up and sooner or later they will have to face the world head on. Hopefully she has a good bus driver who watches out for the kids. When I went to school we also had to ride the bus with older kids but that was about 20 years ago. There were some problems bullies and such but I survived and I believe your neice will too. Hopefully she has a friend or 2 on the bus but if not there will be others in the same situation as she is. Bottom line tell your neice to tell you if she has any problems or if anyone is giving her a hard time. It is the Bus Drivers responsibility to insure the safety of ALL students on the bus. It wouldn't hurt to introduce yourself to the bus driver by taking a ride up to the school. Don't do it when he/she is on route with a bus-load of kids watching... Good Luck..
2007-08-13 20:07:14 UTC
Let her make her own way about it. I remember when I first started riding the bus. I was easily intimidated and when one kid might pick on me, another would defend me. Much like starting any new step in your life, there are going to be new problems to deal with and the sooner she learns to deal with them, the happier she'll be in the long run.

She'll learn to take care of herself. It's the reason our species covers the globe. Kids also learn much faster than adults. Have a little faith in her, tell her that everyone is different and think different things and that she's unique and beautiful no matter what anybody says. Much of the time those people are just trying to make themselves feel better about themselves.

If someone is being mean, it's because THEY have a problem and you can ignore them if you want.
2007-08-13 20:05:30 UTC
i am a high schooler but i dont pick on the 6th graders but if there was some that do i would say for her to sit in the front cause on my bus the highschooler like to take over the back and some are not that mean but i hope that helps
2007-08-13 20:05:38 UTC
When i was in school I rode the bus since the 1st grade and the bus mixed K-12. I did get picked on by High School and Junior High Kids. One time a guy would not stop tickling my ear with a feather i started crying. So my mom told my neighbors (2 girls in junior high ) to sit with me. And the high/junior high kids never bothered me again. I suggest having a junior high/ high school neighbor or friend to sit with your niece or maybe even a primary neighbor to sit. The buddy System it works. High School Kids usually sit in the back so they can get into mischief so your niece could sit in the front next to the bus driver.
2007-08-13 20:06:53 UTC
First off I agree about how it's really dumb to have the high school and middle school kids on same bus...the only advice I have is maybe tell your neice to try sitting as close to the front as she can...usually, but not always, the high schoolers go for the seats closer to the back...
je t'♥
2007-08-13 20:25:24 UTC
sounds like me when i went into 6th and i was sooo nervous! tell her to sit near the front if she can. sometimes kids will have their backpacks on their seats and not move them unless you ask. (or at least at my school) i remember my first couple days, all the seats had at least one person and wherever there was only one person, they had their backpacks on the seat, and since i was so nervous and shy i ended up sqeezing in a seat with my big sis and another girl (my sis is never helpful to me with these kinds of things). there are occasionally some nice people who'll be real nice about moving their backpacks. others try to act like they're sleeping (they're not) so that they won't have to move their bags. tell her (if there aren't any empty seats-depends on how many kids ride her bus and what stop she's at-iwas last stop and my bus was the most crowded one) tell her to look for someone who's not pretending to sleep (it's easier than dealing with them) and someone who looks nice. usually a girl would be the best choice because it's the guys who do stuff like that. also tell her that it's best to look for someone to sit with who is close to her age. the older high schoolers are more likely to be jerks and stuff. she should get used to riding the bus in a short while, so tell her not to worry too much. i don't know how many people will be picking on her. it's different from school to school (and sometimes bus to bus) on whether or not they're jerks. my bus was about 99% jerks. but i rode to a friend's house on her bus a couple times and everyone on her bus was so nice, so really that depends. if people are picking on her, tell her to ignore them and if it gets really bad, tell her to tell the bus driver. he/she will help her. i hope this all made sense and i hope i didn't ramble on too much--if i did, sorry! good luck!
2007-08-13 20:02:32 UTC
Well since it's her first time, you could limit the amount of times she has to ride the bus if possible until she feels comfortable. You never know though she may meet a new friend the first day she gets on and be fine. Otherwise you could get her an mp3 player to listen to while she is onthe bus to take her mind off things.
2007-08-13 20:01:49 UTC
Just keep an open line of communication with her and ask her about the bus. This is a common problem and hopefully she has a great bus driver that keeps an eye on things. Consider talking to the bus driver.
2007-08-13 20:05:04 UTC
Riding on the school bus is one of many social situations that most if not all children have to deal with. The most you can do is remain confident and rely on her to make the best decisions. Let her experience it on her own and do your best to cut the apron strings. Not everyone in life is going to be polite and mature, the school bus will just be her first lesson in that. If she admits to problems then perhaps talk to the bus driver personally.
2007-08-13 20:07:39 UTC
Not to scare you or anything... But I rode the bus in the sixth grade. I was picked on and humiliated all the time. I was quiet, couldn't stand up for myself...and didn't tell the authority figures in fear of the bullying increasing. Just explain to her what things might happen on there... like curse words, and bad influences. Also, your neice's school probably has strict rules on bullying, even a not-so-bad name calling can result in ISS now days.
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2007-08-13 20:05:04 UTC
I am a 6th grader too. I understand how mean it is to have older kids in that grade pick on ya...If someone bullies her, and it keeps going on maybe you should find an easier way of her getting to school, like maybe have a friend pick her up? Or can she walk? And can any of you take her?

If you can't take her or if you don't feel comfertable with her walking then like I said have a friend pick her up (someones mom/dad/parent) Good Luck!!
2007-08-13 20:05:38 UTC
I would just tell her to be nice to everyone and try to sit with someone her own age,but not to take any crap off of anyone, if somone starts to pick on her the earlier she shows them that she won't take it the better. If she does and she lets them know it bothers her they will keep it up. Most schools have all ages riding together that's common ,they're just picking up kids in that area. She'll get use to it and you be surprised but she might end up having a lot of fun.
2007-08-13 20:03:05 UTC
This is a fact of life.....encourage your niece to sit in the front of the bus and be honest with you about bus rides and to report to administrators any problems...we do not tolerate any inappropriate behavior and kick kids off buses or suspend their rights to use it....the "busy" parents are inconvenienced to provide transportation and few abuse it from then on....The big kids earn the right to sit in the back as a matter of passage, so just tell her not to migrate to the back seat .....
2007-08-14 07:23:31 UTC
I doubt that the high schoolers would pick on her since she's only in middle school. If anyone did, you should ask her to tell you and you can contact the school. Also, sit at the fornt and close to the driver.
2007-08-13 20:27:44 UTC
from my experience, high school students do not pick on 6th graders. They pick on each other instead. =)

Seriously though, high schoolers are immature, but they are almost invariably mature enough to not pick on kids. And I agree with the person who said have her sit near the front, if she's nervous.
2007-08-13 20:01:50 UTC
tell her to sit in the front seat where the bus driver can keep an eye on her

really though high school kids aren't as bad as they are made out to be i remeber a high school kid talking to me telling me how hs was and how i would like it and we became the best of friends so really nothing to worry about but just in case put her in the front seat.

i don't have that problem though I'm a sophomore at a military school. i know yikes right! its alright though and there isn't no bulling at my school either.
2007-08-13 20:01:17 UTC
I guess you could try and get her to sit in the front of the school bus so that the bus driver can keep an eye on her.
2007-08-13 20:03:24 UTC
I would talk to the school system, maybe the principal, bus driver and see if they can let her sit at the front of the bus. Possibly in the front seat.
2007-08-13 20:06:31 UTC
Is it possible for someone to drive her to and from school? That is what I did with both my kids. I drove them there and picked them up. No, I was not a stay at home mom...but I made it work. I didnt want them walking to and from the bus stop. To many predators out there.

or, can you carpool with another family...that way you would only drive one-way.
2007-08-13 20:04:34 UTC
See what the laws are on buying pepper spray. Or you can send here to a martial arts school. I wouldn't worry about it. High schoolers really aren't much of a pain anymore.
2007-08-13 20:02:45 UTC
I agree... Try to get a spot near the front of the bus, and have her do something like sketching on some paper to stay busy. It's only a bus ride, she'll do just fine.
2007-08-13 20:00:57 UTC
well im a junior in high school and im driving this year but otherwise ive ridden the bus most of my school life and usually it wasnt a problem. im a 300 lb man so people naturally fear me but as long as she knows how to stay away from the bad kids and hang out with the good ones there usually isnt much conflict...
2007-08-13 20:01:32 UTC
I don't think there is anything you can do is hope that nobody bothers her. Just reassure her that if anybody bothers her she should tell you so they can contact the school. And maybe she will get lucky and the bus driver will be smart enough or actually care enough to stop it! But I don't think anything will happen.
2007-08-13 20:17:15 UTC
It is good for her, she should maybe gain more confidence in general. Tell her to sit in the front, she'll be taking the same bus everyday, so she will probably get used to the same people every morning.
2007-08-13 20:04:22 UTC
naa don't be worried. She'll be fine! When i went from having all these friends in elementary to being alone in middle then kids picked on me the bus, but by the end of the year they all left me alone and i was friends with most of them :) If she has a prob she'll let you know :)
2007-08-13 20:05:37 UTC
In my school district all grades from Kindergarten to 12th grade ride the bus. It isn't nearly as bad as you may think.
Jeremy J
2007-08-13 20:01:35 UTC
My experience is that the high schoolers don't normally pick on the younger kids, especially the kids that young...I don't think she has a thing to worry about.
2007-08-14 19:42:26 UTC
Well,IF she as a buddy tell her to sit next to her and up by the front of the bus.That way she wont get picked on that much.Tell you family hello.
2007-08-13 20:03:22 UTC
Tell her to sit up front, no highschoolers sit in the front b/c they THINK that it is cool to sit in the back and they wont bother her, that's what I did in middle school. Also, just tell her not to interfere with the highschoolers.
2007-08-13 20:02:45 UTC
hopefully they will leave her alone. If they don't, take it up with the principle and if needed the police. A lot of times, the schools don't do much for kids getting teased.
2007-08-13 20:04:17 UTC
other then taking her your self there is not much you can do ., if she can sit up front that would help some i know we did most are evil deeds in the back of the bus >=oP
2007-08-13 20:03:11 UTC
dont freak! she'll be fine! she will find some other 6th graders to sit with and they will become a pack....just let things go with the flow
2007-08-13 20:03:26 UTC
You can talk to the bus driver and ask her/him to watch out and tell them why they should understand.
2007-08-13 20:02:00 UTC
It doesn't sound like you have any other options except for to take her yourself.. Give it a try and see how it goes.. if it doesnt work.. maybe let her ride a bike.. or take her yourself.
2007-08-13 20:03:48 UTC
Either drive her to school, tell her to sit with her friends so she'll feel more comfortable, or tell her to sit away from the older people, easy enough, right?:)
2007-08-13 20:01:53 UTC
tell her to try and get a seat as close to the front as possible. highschoolers, and middleschoolers think it is cooler to sit in the back where the busdriver can't see you.
2007-08-13 20:07:35 UTC
you should tell her to sit in the front....and tell her that if anyone messes with her....she should tell the bus driver and not be scared
2007-08-13 20:02:15 UTC
Why not just drop her off at school, or ask one of her friends parents to drop her off at school?
2007-08-13 20:04:00 UTC
haha shell be okay

i prefer public transportation i started in 5th grade
2007-08-13 20:01:46 UTC
tell her to stay with a friend all the time
2007-08-13 21:06:36 UTC
You should really try to take her to school. Buses are nasty.
2007-08-13 20:07:05 UTC
ryding in the bus is fun... you make alot of friends.
2007-08-13 20:02:33 UTC

kids who ride the school bus are Losers!
Brett A.
2007-08-13 20:01:21 UTC
no way bus is bad
2007-08-13 20:02:19 UTC
2007-08-13 20:03:49 UTC
the school is stupid!!!!!!!!!! F**K them!!

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