I'm 14, in 8th grade and literally I'm a complete loner. I mean I have lots of people I talk to and "friends". Seriously though I don't even know why I call them my friends because they're mean and backstabbers. I guess it's just because I would have no one else if I left them. Anyways this year I had the worst luck ever and got into classes including none of my friends. I did manage to meet new people in some of them, but not much. In my 7th and 8th period are the two classes I seriously have 0 friends in. It just so happens that the teacher wants to make us pick our own groups and partners to work with too. Like alllll the time. I feel so lonely everyone scatters to their friends and I just sit there in my seat.i feel like I'm just gonna cry, but I know I can't. And my crush is in that class so it's really humiliating. Our one teacher even said she's gonna let us pick our own seats soon;( what am I going to do? I feel so worthless I just come home and cry myself to sleep. None of my "friends" understand anything I'm going through, not even my family. My mom was popular in school so she wouldn't understand;( I never have a partner and it seems like everyone completely blocks me out like I'm some kind of ghost. The whole room is laughing and having fun while I sit there, tears in my eyes, dreading the time that's left. Please help me I have no idea what to do, any advice, or personal stories would help, thanks:( I feel like I'm not going to make it past this last half of the school year.