What a levels do I need if I want to be a solicitor?
2008-10-25 04:49:42 UTC
I'm only 15 at the moment, but currently doing GCSE's.
What grades do you need to get in GCSE's?
& most of all what A LEVELS do I need to do to achieve what I need to go on to study Law at uni or whatever?
Do you have to be REALLY REALLY clever?
Or can you just work really hard and achieve your dream?
I really want to be one, would be really nice.
Please help?
Six answers:
London Lioness
2008-10-25 05:21:09 UTC

In answer to your question, all you have to do is work hard at achieving your dreams. I left school when i was 16. I had no choice. I went back into education when i was 26 and had a son. I did the Access to Law course and went on to achieve my LLB.

Just focus on making every effort to do well in all your work. A good understanding of english language helps as law is an art form of words!

You can take GCSE Law and A-level Law. Find out what your 6th form has to offer or find one that has law on their curriculum. You can also gain experience by working with a magistrates court in the holidays or for work experience or, you could attach yourself to a local law firm who might teach you clerk work - attending court, some are willing to help a young person achieve that dream. You can become a Legal executive which leads onto becoming a solicitor. There are different avenues and different aspects of law from which you can gain experience before going into full time study. I started off as a legal secretary, so there is nothing wrong in not being Einstein, but it does take determination to make a dream come true.
2008-10-25 23:02:38 UTC
There are no real set grades, jus try to achieve as many A-C's as you can. However a few Uni's such as Bham stipulate you need at least 5 A's at GCSE- it depends on whether you want to go to one of the real go0d Uni's. For A level Im afraid youll probably need something like AAA for Bham, Manchester, Nottingham, Warwick and the major universities. You will also have to complete the LNAT to study lawat a select group of top Uni's. Others like Coventry accept ABB, BBB. You dont need to be especislly clever but law is a very competitive subject to be honest due to the fact more and more people are geting better grades at A level. Yes you can work really hard and achieve your dream.

There are no specific subjects to study and in fact many Unis arent overly enthusiastic about you doing law at a level, because you basically study the same things over again to cover the basics and make sure you have a grasp of all the basics- this can be frustrating for those whov done it all before- leading to a bad attitude to learnin overall.

I just started my LLB in September and Iv been through this process so hopefully you find this answer useful- and good look with future, hope you achieve your dream.
2008-10-27 11:04:55 UTC
To become a solicitor I suggest the Minimum grades at GCSE

English Language - B

English Literature - B

Mathematics - C

Other Subjects - C's

The aim of A levels is to get into University. Each University will have different entry requirements but many depend on the subject. Most University's will always ask for ether a B or C in Maths and English, however is you are looking for a top University it will a an A grade at GCSE.

In your Case you are going to apply to Law so the important Subject is English. So Getting a B or Above in English At GCSE is vital as many university's will ask for it. Maths However is not vital but many university's ask for it anyway, most likely to be a Minimum grade C.

Now A Levels are never easy this doesn't mean you have to be clever though. You Just need to work very hard, especially if you going after a competitive course such as Law. There are a variety of course you can Choose From to help you gain entry into Law

Possible A Levels

- English Language (Very Useful for all Lawyers)

- English Literature (Show Good Analysis Skills)

- Law (Speaks For Itself)

- Government and Politics (Help with Politics Law)

- Business Studies (If you Want to go Into Retail Law)

- A Language Subject (This always shows a positive)

At As level you Choose 4 Subjects and then you decide whether to drop one at A Level. So if you choose 4 of those subjects you may have to decide to drop one as many people do.

Onto University you Will Apply to university thought a company called Ucas. You will publish your Details, As Level Grades, personal statement and your teachers predicted grades.

So if you would like to get into university then your As Level Grades are extremely important as university's will accept you on your As level grades and personal statement so make sure they are high and up to scratch if you want to be a lawyer.

Sample Entry Requirements for University's - Law

Birmingham City University - BBC

The University of Birmingham - AAA + National Law Admissions Test

University of Cambridge - AAA + National Law Admissions Test

University of East London - CDD

The University of Essex - AAB

Kingston University - ABB

Leeds Metropolitan University - BCC

Liverpool John Moores University - BCC

The University of Manchester - AAA

Manchester Metropolitan University - BBB

All the University's that Provide the subject in the link below
2008-10-26 12:00:47 UTC
Just concentrate on your GCSE...

To study A-Levels you need , 5 A-C Grades, Including Maths and English Language..

To get into Uni You need three A-Levels, I.E if you wanted to do law, you could take law at A-Level and then you can do w/e you want for the other two.. x
Eskimo Bob
2008-10-25 12:04:26 UTC
Well just try to get as many A-C's as you can get. Then when it comes to A-levels choose law so your familiar with it before you go on to uni.

Clever I'm not really sure, but there is a lot of reading involved but it also depends what you decide to practice. Criminal I would say will offer the most work seen as people are always getting into trouble.

Hope this helps
2008-10-25 16:18:53 UTC
There are no specific entry requirements where subjects are concerned, but humanities like history or or english (literature) are very useful, so is sociology. Other subjects should just be chosen if you like them, or to show diversity, like music, or a science. It depends on what you personally like to do.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.