To become a solicitor I suggest the Minimum grades at GCSE
English Language - B
English Literature - B
Mathematics - C
Other Subjects - C's
The aim of A levels is to get into University. Each University will have different entry requirements but many depend on the subject. Most University's will always ask for ether a B or C in Maths and English, however is you are looking for a top University it will a an A grade at GCSE.
In your Case you are going to apply to Law so the important Subject is English. So Getting a B or Above in English At GCSE is vital as many university's will ask for it. Maths However is not vital but many university's ask for it anyway, most likely to be a Minimum grade C.
Now A Levels are never easy this doesn't mean you have to be clever though. You Just need to work very hard, especially if you going after a competitive course such as Law. There are a variety of course you can Choose From to help you gain entry into Law
Possible A Levels
- English Language (Very Useful for all Lawyers)
- English Literature (Show Good Analysis Skills)
- Law (Speaks For Itself)
- Government and Politics (Help with Politics Law)
- Business Studies (If you Want to go Into Retail Law)
- A Language Subject (This always shows a positive)
At As level you Choose 4 Subjects and then you decide whether to drop one at A Level. So if you choose 4 of those subjects you may have to decide to drop one as many people do.
Onto University you Will Apply to university thought a company called Ucas. You will publish your Details, As Level Grades, personal statement and your teachers predicted grades.
So if you would like to get into university then your As Level Grades are extremely important as university's will accept you on your As level grades and personal statement so make sure they are high and up to scratch if you want to be a lawyer.
Sample Entry Requirements for University's - Law
Birmingham City University - BBC
The University of Birmingham - AAA + National Law Admissions Test
University of Cambridge - AAA + National Law Admissions Test
University of East London - CDD
The University of Essex - AAB
Kingston University - ABB
Leeds Metropolitan University - BCC
Liverpool John Moores University - BCC
The University of Manchester - AAA
Manchester Metropolitan University - BBB
All the University's that Provide the subject in the link below